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Todays effort


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Sun getting really low now, doesn't come out fro behind the trees 'till 1.30 already heading rapidly down so did a quick White Light so I had something to show for a sunny day, seeing wasn't up to doing surface with the Quark so left it running on a prom 'till the Sun went down, haven't looked at it yet, may get an animation out of it which will be a miracle as not succeeded yet. 

Must practice processing  :grin:



Oops posted wrong pic

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Excellent Dave :) :) :) a disc full of spots is always a joy :)

I know the Sun is low when the Sun shines in our north facing lounge, it shines through the dining room window and through the door like a horizontal spot light.


Like one of those Indiana Jones movies, shows where the treasure is buried on the Winter Solstice  :grin:


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I know what you mean about the Quark and seeing, I spent one Saturday for a good chunk of the day, but in the end binned the whole lot, just couldn't get anything worth while out of 70 gig of data. That was a blue sky day, where my best so far have been through thin cloud, who would have thought ! 

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