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My first full Solar disc


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This is the first time if tried to stitch two images, will sound daft to seasoned hands but I just didn't know how to go about it. The data was taken 04-12-14 on my Solarmax 60 DS. I 'm quite pleased that it worked in the first instance but can see the uneven illumination which I don't know how to tackle, any advice welcomed. I stacked in AS!2 then MS ICE and Astra Image to sharpen and finished in photoshop.

A little further round the learning curve.


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Well done. i have yet to do a mosaic with my PST stage 2. Is the uneven illumination not due to the sweet spot of the etalon and some anomalies of the stitching software? Other here will be better placed than me to confirm.


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Sweet, some very fine detail, and love the colours. Unless someone has a better suggestion, I'd try using dodge and burn tools in photoshop.

But I haven't done many mosaics, they scare me a bit! Will have to get going with them though...

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ok tried again when this morning, being more awake might have helped. I was less harsh on the contrast which I think has helped and the sun looks less angry with a more even illumination, still not there but I don't think I can do much with this image as it's there on the capture 


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A real cracker, no joins and fairly flat.  Balancing the brightness across the frame is quite hard, especially with such a large capture area.  I get round the uneven illumination by using a barlow and take 12 images for a full disc, but even so get some areas of uneven illumination, especially when the seeing is not so good, or thin cloud/mist comes across.  Once I start my 12 pane run, I don't adjust camera exposure or gain, just try to get all 12 panes in as short a time as poss to avoid too much rotation and feature change.

I use Autostitch in preference to ICE, for me it makes a better job.  However, images stitched with MS ICE always look 'more alive'.

I would fit a barlow, take more panes to make best use of the 'sweetspot' and you will also get more lovely detail for Autostitch/MS ICE to work with.  Depending on your barlow/camera/focal length, I would try 4, 6, 12 or 16 panes.


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