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Canon EOS 1200D - Mirror Lock Up


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My wife has bought me a Canon EOS 1200D for Christmas (although I'm not supposed to know) which I plan to use for general photography as well as some planetary imaging; maybe even some DSO's once I get the hang of it.

However, having done some general research into the whole astrophotography subject; the perceived wisdom is that mirror lockup is a 'must have' in order to prevent camera shake.  Sadly the Canon 1200D seems to lack this feature directly (i.e. there is no mirror lock up function) but there is a reference to a "2 second exposure delay - with mirror lockup". 

I have also found a review that says "Canon's tabbed menu system is very well designed and easy to use. Absent on the T5 (and T3) menu is the mirror lockup function. While Live View can instead be used to get this function, I do miss mirror lockup as it is one of my most-used features".  My understanding is that even in live-view; the mechanics of the camera are such that the mirror still drops and rises again before the shutter opens!!

Therefore if anyone can shed light on this; or whether mirror lockup is an absolute must, it would be very much appreciated.

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Hi all,

Very many thanks for all your valuable advice; I'm glad that mirror lockup (or a lack of it) isn't going to be an issue, so I will be able to get the most out of what is an expensive gift.

With regards Tinker1947's advice, I've ordered one; at £12 it's a real bargain so that was a great steer.

Thanks again and clear skies

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Nice gift :-)

Live view on the 1100d whilst the mirror is held up it bounces down then up again if you take a picture so that is worse.

After seeing on the web detailed test results for my level of use now or ever I am never going to actually see a problem so it does not worry me, though I don't use live view beyond say for focusing plus it makes the camera hot.

If really worried just place something over the lens (don't touch) for that first second or so then remove it if worried about mirror shake is a tip I read though never used.

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If really worried just place something over the lens (don't touch) for that first second or so then remove it if worried about mirror shake is a tip I read though never used.

Hi Happy-Kat,

I'd read that somewhere else but couldn't understand the logic behind it.  Now it makes sense. 


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I'd read that somewhere else but couldn't understand the logic behind it. Now it makes sense.

Something like a hat was suggested as it could be placed encompassing the lens but not touch it, only works if the exposure is going to be a long one I guess. I don't bother doing anything so far in my foray.

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There are some helpful tips on dslr astro on this page - sorry, no idea if the 1200d has "silent shooting mode" but that tip worked well for me:


The "hat trick" works well with camera lens or scope - as happy-kat says, don't touch the lens/scope, but once you've opened the shutter, and any shake has settled, whisk the piece of black card out of the way.



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My 1100D doesn't appear to have a lock-up function. I've used it for lunar, planetary and DSO imaging, so it certainly isn't essential. It might be more of an issue at very long focal lengths where any shake is magnified.

This camera does have the mirror lock function I can assure you, and it can be used via just the USB cable connection as it is a digic 4 processor.

You will have to put the camera onto manual mode for it to show up on the menus though,

Hope this helps



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My wife has bought me a Canon EOS 1200D for Christmas (although I'm not supposed to know) which I plan to use for general photography as well as some planetary imaging; maybe even some DSO's once I get the hang of it.

However, having done some general research into the whole astrophotography subject; the perceived wisdom is that mirror lockup is a 'must have' in order to prevent camera shake.  Sadly the Canon 1200D seems to lack this feature directly (i.e. there is no mirror lock up function) but there is a reference to a "2 second exposure delay - with mirror lockup". 

I have also found a review that says "Canon's tabbed menu system is very well designed and easy to use. Absent on the T5 (and T3) menu is the mirror lockup function. While Live View can instead be used to get this function, I do miss mirror lockup as it is one of my most-used features".  My understanding is that even in live-view; the mechanics of the camera are such that the mirror still drops and rises again before the shutter opens!!

Therefore if anyone can shed light on this; or whether mirror lockup is an absolute must, it would be very much appreciated.

I would be very surprised if this camera has not got the mirror lock function, as both the 1000D and 1100D has it, but it will only show on the menus in manual mode, and in my opinion is very useful, but not alway required on all mounts, but as it is there I always use it.

Hope that helps



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I use my 450D for full disc lunar imaging with my 127 Mak.  I found that without mirror lockup I had to shoot very fast (1/500th or less) exposures at high ISO otherwise there'd be "ghosting" on the image.  Using the mirror lockup I can use 1/200th at a lower ISO setting and hopefully reduce the amount of noise in each frame.


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This camera does have the mirror lock function I can assure you, and it can be used via just the USB cable connection as it is a digic 4 processor.

You will have to put the camera onto manual mode for it to show up on the menus though,

Hope this helps



1100D. Can't find it. Pls advice!


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1100D. Can't find it. Pls advice!


You could be right, doesn't appear to be listed in the "Custom Functions " menu where it usually is, need someone with 1100d to have a look.

Only mirror lock option appears to be for sensor cleaning.


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