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Hello All,

My name is Clive, and despite always being interested in astronomy I finally got around to purchasing a telescope & mount at the age of 47.

Being a complete novice my first view sessions were difficult as I was (as it is now apparent) trying to make polar alignment far more difficult than it is.  I do have a problem with my NEQ3 GOTO mount with the gears slipping as the scope is moving towards its target.  I am in discussions with the outlet who sold me the kit, hopefully it will be user error.

I look forward to learning much more and becoming more competent, which hopefully will mean I enjoy it even more.



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Hi Clive and welcome to SGL., Just a possible problem with the mount...Are you sure the clutches are tight when using the goto? if they are kind of half on/off this may cause the slipping. 

Hope that helps. As you say, user error is always nicer than a problem mount :)

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