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Lessons Of The Newb

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So last night I decided it was time to get out and test my setup, finally a true first light for my QSI. Time to make all of this more than just an academic/theoretical exercise. I loaded up the car with all my gear. I drove an hour and a half to a decent enough dark site. I happily setup my workspace, then my mount. Polar allignment done. Mount the scope and then attach the reducer and the CCD (so happy to have all necessary bits finally)!!!! I stood back and gave myself a lil pat on the back for having persevered and pushed through. I'm here!!! I powered up the laptop and took a seat on my comfy TeleVue air chair just brimming with pride and gratitude. And so I sat....alone in the dark and then it hit me hard. 'Twas at this moment I thought about how cool all this would be.... if only I'd brought the Power Box containing batteries/cables. [emoji57]

Note To Self

next time bring batteries stupid

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If you go to the BAS Star Party in a week (Dec 13) do not forget them then.

If you do go then get some pics of everyone and the equipment.

I cannot say much, went to the south west coast here to go sea fishing, about 100 miles down I realised I had not put the rods in the car. I had started out early to miss the traffic, I instead hit the traffic going back for the rods and when I made the second attempt to go south west again.

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Will do [emoji6] I'm going to try going again despite the fact that they don't like my laptop/lights [emoji57] there isn't a whole lotta space to spread out... I wonder if I could setup at bottom of the hill near the water. Would that seem I was being antisocial?

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Will do [emoji6] I'm going to try going again despite the fact that they don't like my laptop/lights [emoji57] there isn't a whole lotta space to spread out... I wonder if I could setup at bottom of the hill near the water. Would that seem I was being antisocial?

How to make friends and influence people... You WILL alienate yourself if you carry on like that.

You have to fit in with them, lights of any description are a huge no no.

Invest in some red insulation tape (electricians tape), use that to cover all the lights and LEDs on you laptop. For the screen itself you need to get some red acetate to cover it or you can buy a ready made screen to fit (http://www.firstlightoptics.com/misc/starsharp-red-filter-for-laptop-screens.html)

Seriously, you will be asked to leave if you don't take precautions. It can take a long time form eyes to fully dark adapt. But fractions of a second to lose it...


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Truth is, I should spend more time alone rather than attending parties. I'm still learning my equipment. As a one time visual astronomer, I understand the value of adjusted eyes and all my electronics have red screens. That said, the star parties here in bama are not widely attended and are a social affair. I am not in anyway complaining. They are a lovely way to spend an evening, but till I'm 100% on setting up/taking down my gear where I may need white light, I should stay solo. I will then attend star parties as often as I'm able.

Thanks for the advice.

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Try putting your laptop in a large box and turning it away from others around you if poss. I bought (for solar really) a cheap blue plastic box from a hardware store and lined it with black sticky-backed plastic. I cut holes in the lower sides at the back for cables and mouse lead. I've used red acetate on my screen but my old eyes can't see the images well enough with that on!


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I'm the same way, I'm disabled and viewing or imaging is done "All by myself" although a lil'  insight of knowledge sometimes would be a time saver{ 2 heads better than one} My CNA does help with setting up and taking in and getting someone to come over and view has been a fruitless endeavor. So it's me and my astro dog Cosmo.

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