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Quark Chromosphere today


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I seamed to have trouble getting something out of my Quark shots from today, I think I was using too many frames so stuck with a quality of 75% in AS!2 which only gave me 80/1000 so a bit noisey. Also wasn't getting on with LR decon - de blurring so tried the sharpening one instead and came up with this, might be a little too much but the best of the bunch so far. Still better than the smart sharpen.  Any suggestions of settings for deconvolution?


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Nice shot! :laugh: Fab AR it's been :laugh:

Still tinkering with Astra Image settings but at present state of play with my Quark and 120mm I am using the sharpening one instead too and using a high Deconvolution Strength, of about 3 point something, 3.4, 3.5, somewhere about there.

But that's just the latest tinkerings, not played much of late, look forward to hearing what others are using.

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