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Clear outside is forecasting clear all tonight and sun all day tomorrow so should I stay up all night imaging or plan on being bright eyed and bushy tailed for solar tomorrow, bearing in mind forecasts have been wrong before so could I ignore clear sky tonight and get clouds tomorrow :)


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Clear outside is forecasting clear all tonight and sun all day tomorrow so should I stay up all night imaging or plan on being bright eyed and bushy tailed for solar tomorrow, bearing in mind forecasts have been wrong before so could I ignore clear sky tonight and get clouds tomorrow :)


It's joking surely.


Here it's been horrible all day and it's still horrible now, raining to boot.

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You're just showing off now with all this clear skies stuff - lol make the most of it. Rumour has it I might see some sun tomorrow, be just my luck that it brightens up just as have to go back to work. Saturday should be good though. 

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You're just showing off now with all this clear skies stuff - lol make the most of it. Rumour has it I might see some sun tomorrow, be just my luck that it brightens up just as have to go back to work. Saturday should be good though. 

Saturday is guaranteed to be sunny. We have guests so I am out of action. I just know it is gonna be sunny and there will be the hughest prom ever!

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Dave, a bird in the hand, I'd grab the night time clear while you can. Of course being clear the moon is rather bright :grin:  Are you imaging the moon? Planets? Doing narrowband?

Hopefully time for a little nap before Sol gets a decent height? That's what I did anyway with my day off in the week. Bit of lunar imaging, bit of Jupiter observing. Tried a few captures of Jupiter to dabble with though didn't noitce at the time that the front plate of the SCT had dewed up.  I had imagined I'd get away without the dew shield as there was a bit of wind. Not enough it turns out! :grin:

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Well as they say, there are lies, damn lies and weather forecasts, still raining here despite the forecast clear sky so I'm going to bed now and won't have to make that decision, hope they've done a better job of tomorrows forecast. :)


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Arghhh, hopefully another time. I am gonna miss out but my fingers are crossed that Saturday is good for most folks, the weather has been so cruel to us for far too long!! If the forecast is correct I'll do a late night as it's weekend and grab me some moon :laugh:

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Typical. I'm on family duties for the duration of the weekend. Saturday I'll be at the National Exhibition Centre at an Antiques Fair all day, Dare I set up the scope in the car park? Probably not ;-(

I'm at work today but if the skies clear I can take my students outside to see the sun (and they can watch me imaging ;-). BBC promised lots of sun today but looking at the forecast again now it seems it won't be here till 3.00pm, which is when the darn thing thing is supposed to set anyway. 

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Iain, one has set up on the edge of a car park before. And lay-by. Path (I nearly had a postie transit). Needs must! :grin:

I imagine they'd be fascinated to learn how the imaging works. I think best to repeat it as well to make sure it all sinks in. Several times.

Hmmm, wonder if our guests tomorrow would like to see how solar imaging works? :evil:

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