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When life gives you lemons - Solar Sunday animation


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First let me say I *adore* my 60mm frac, it makes a case for being my favourite scope - even above my 16 inch dob!! - as it is my very much used grab and go for solar. But when I have the goto mount out at the weekend and there's a big clear patch, I love nothing more than to get my 120mm frac out on Sol.

On Sunday the seeing was shocking. I switched down from the 120mm to the 85mm. The seeing still sucked. So it was out with the trusty 60mm, looking a bit underkill on the HEQ5 mount I must say... After grabbing the disc in six tiles and running out of something to image, I thought why not take an animation. I got about 40 minutes worth until the clouds swooped in. Ho hum, maybe this weekend the 120mm can get a crack at Sol!


I took 1500 frames per capture (about 45 seconds recording time per movie) and left a one minute gap after recording stopped before starting the next frame.


30th November, 2014

Tele Vue 60mm, Quark Chromosphere, Grasshopper 3 (ICX687) video camera, 0.5x reducer

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Thanks, all!

Michael, I'd love to see that if you get a chance to take a snap! I saw a Lunt 60 on I think a Celeston CGE a few years ago, very cute! I think a big SCT normally goes on it!

Alexandra, I would wail that it's been three weeks in a row where I haven't been able to use my 120mm now, but probably best not to if your SF100 etalons are in hibernation :hiding:

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That's brilliant Luke, amazing how much action there is in such a short time. Looks great despite the seeing.

Not had my scopes out properly for ages :-(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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They are not in hibernation because of bad seeing, I just can't see the Sun at all. I'm hoping that over Christmas I can get it all in the boot of the car and have a solar session at my mum and dad's house. The stupid new neighbours by them cut down a 500 year old Oak tree which was protected because it blocked their light, so now hopefully they can see the Sun in mid winter in the front garden. I can guarantee Christmas will be cloudy for the whole 2 weeks now ;)


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Thanks, Stu, Peter and Pete!

Stu, hope the scopes get to flex their muscles soon!

Peter, I am lucky I can catch Sol all year round, ducking under a few telegraph pole wires, etc. Hope you can get out at the weekend for a mobile view?

Alexandra, ah, so the SF100 is not done for the year yet with a bit of luck :laugh: If I recall its nemesis is the cherry tree? I am hopeful seeing will be okay for my 120 through Dec, it was not too bad today :laugh:

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