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The Ignorant Astrophotographer, In Over His Head

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Hi Liquid, sorry about the link. Steve Richards, the author of the book, is also a highly respected member of this forum (Steppenwolf), he has in fact made an observation on your question #002, which will be found on page 2 thread #24. Details of how to obtain the book are given at the bottom of his thread. The book is not available through Amazon or any  public bookshop outlet, only through FLO for the UK and direct from Steve, for overseas purchasers. http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk enjoy your imaging :)

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Steve's book is a fantastic read, especially for a beginner like me. It is true that you may not need all of the guidance within if you have purchased all your equipment, but there is some great stuff in there about processing as well as the equipment and, proportionate to your kit, it is well worth the price.

I also purchased the Legault book (ironically enough after reading Steve's review in Sky at Night Magazine!) and am finding it also excellent - it is very different from Steve's book and ordered slightly bizarrely, but I am finding it fairly easy to read - again, for the price, it seems well worth it.

However, as some are suggesting, barring cloudy nights, the best thing to do is just get out there and try it. Reading will only take you so far, go get some hours under your belt, just play around and......have fun! It's easy to get frustrated (especially in the UK) with all the cloud so just make the most of any clear nights and try stuff out! Good Luck.

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Dear Pal L360,

Every learning curve is almost the same.Junk equipment or high end.Mind digestion plays the main role. So dont suck on to every fragmented infos you collect here and there,Your mind belly will suffocate.Confusion,depression and exhaustion will crawl in.

The  equipments of yours are very nice and powerful and you are a privileged one or a wealthy one who can afford all this on this planet.(where misery is running wild)

You have a hidden Gem In your living room or in your Tabacco shop out there. Please start to shine that diamond, Birmingham,Alabama, weather looks fine on next Monday 14 deg F. Man L360, Go out and launch your rig and enjoy the universe (epicenter of freedom,love and peace).

Before this issue drift into a war of words, Its high time pal you image through that tube.You will have stunning experience ,you will definitely blow out ur mind :)

lets discuss later after your first experience.There are so many loving people out here who will assist you whole heartedly.Hope this sheds some light.

Love and light with clear skies.


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I also purchased the Legault book (ironically enough after reading Steve's review in Sky at Night Magazine!)

Well at least you all now know that I really am impartial in my reviews then!! :grin: :grin: A good book but very different from my own.

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Well at least you all now know that I really am impartial in my reviews then!! :grin: :grin: A good book but very different from my own.

:grin: Definitely!

They are very different books and I am only really a few chapters into Legault's, so have some way to go yet, but I also think they compliment each other pretty well. I would suggest yours is a much better introduction to the world of AP. I think if I had embarked on Legault's without having read ...Every Photon... I might have found myself more confused as the early chapters launch straight into technical stuff about sensors and photosites etc etc. (And I'm not just saying that because Steve is a prominent member here! :wink:)

But they are both worth a read - it's not like there isn't the time with all this cloud around..... :(

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Liquid360 - there has been no mention of software (other than a reference to PhotoShop some point earlier) that you will use to run your rig... Have you connected up a laptop to the mount and the camera yet? Can you control both with ease? What will you use for plate solving (got to go that route) and polar alignment and.... There's so much to do before it even gets dark!

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Liquid360 - there has been no mention of software (other than a reference to PhotoShop some point earlier) that you will use to run your rig... Have you connected up a laptop to the mount and the camera yet? Can you control both with ease? What will you use for plate solving (got to go that route) and polar alignment and.... There's so much to do before it even gets dark!

I think the Paramount MX+ comes with a lot of it's own custom software. Image processing software is another matter!


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Liquid, I remember you from the other astronomy forum. That's some awesome imaging gear you have, I've got better after 6 months of imaging the moon. Yes I started with the largest object in the sky and since I received a new camera for planetary imaging, a lot of time is taken up trying to understand the functionality of the camera and it's software. I have a mentor that lives over 1000 miles away and that's a valuable resource along with these forums for getting information and guidance. If I need to see and talk face to face or he needs to see my set up  or what not we just SKYPE. I image the moon and the moon helps me to learning more than just the camera , scope and mount . It gets me to image and learn the processing of images with various software. Doing is what you need to do, the more you image the better you'll get at this.

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I think the Paramount MX+ comes with a lot of it's own custom software. Image processing software is another matter!


For the MX you'd be using TheSkyX. It offers all the bits required for capture with the camera addon. It will do tracking models natively but the enhanced T-Point as an addon.

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