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Looking for a current OSC CCD reviews list


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Hi everyone. Despite searching, I am unable to find an up to date comparison or review of currently availble CCD camera's. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am ditching my mono Atik 314L+ camera simply because I am getting lazy, and can't be doing with all the rgb filters!! Plus, I can't achieve focus when I fit a filter wheel. So I am looking for a one shot colour up to about £1200 or thereabouts. I am considering the QHY10 but read that it suffers with low sensitivty. Also looked at the Trius SX-9C. Looking for valued guidance and advice please.

Many thanks

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Among color there is QHY8L and up within APS-C size. There wasn't anything new added to DS cameras lately except some medium sized Sony CCDs. Nobody yet dared to make a CMOS based camera (while CMOSIS offers mono and color sensors up to very big 35 mm format). You can also check my camera/sensors list: http://www.rkblog.rk.edu.pl/astro/kamery-ccd/

But I wouldn't ditch Atik 314L+ for a color one ;) Works nicely with a short refractor (or GSO RC6).

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You are about to ditch one of the all time great astro cameras. Can we not talk about why you can't get to focus?

As for the separate filters, mono in LRGB is faster than OSC and can be even faster still when you think of adding Ha which can be shot in the moonlight and colour binned 2x2.

So... why can't you get to focus??


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Going from mono to OSC is a step backwards I feel and you loose the ability to get quality Ha data also (yes its doable... but not the same)

Sorting out your focus issue is the priority, as Olly says whats the problem, im sure between all the knowledge here is can be sorted :)

What scope, what filterwheel, what attachments, what if any correctors?

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Thanks for the replies. I did post my focusing issue here ages ago (I think!). Scope is the Skywatcher Evostar 80ED Pro on a HEQ5 Pro mount. FW is a motorised Starlight Xpress. Cannot get focus along the entire length of the focus tube.

Although I am embarrassed to say it's not seen the night sky for quite some time as disturbing things to manually change filters became a pain as I normally ended up losing the taget between filter changes :-( 

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A pic of your current setup might be useful if you can post one. I seem to recall from previous threads that the ED80 normally needs an extension tube if no reducer is being used? It sounds strange that you have trouble achieving inward focus. If you have a problem with the Atik+fw, then you might still have a problem with a osc. Have you tried with eyepieces instead of a camera and maybe during the day? Things always seem a whole lot easier to fathom out in the cold, clear light of day :)


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Thanks for the replies. I did post my focusing issue here ages ago (I think!). Scope is the Skywatcher Evostar 80ED Pro on a HEQ5 Pro mount. FW is a motorised Starlight Xpress. Cannot get focus along the entire length of the focus tube.

Although I am embarrassed to say it's not seen the night sky for quite some time as disturbing things to manually change filters became a pain as I normally ended up losing the taget between filter changes :-( 

I've got a very similar setup, same chip, same filter wheel, same scope - the only difference being I have a reducer in the chain. I'm sure we can help out with achieving focus.

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Actually Belcher's first "complaint" is:

I am ditching my mono Atik 314L+ camera simply because I am getting lazy, and can't be doing with all the rgb filters!!

If the fundimental problem is one of the additional time for RGB imaging then gettting the thing to focus is not going to reduce the time involvement.

With the lack of clear skies we tend to get then I can see the advantage in simply getting it all in one go, even if the final product is not as good.

The last clear night here was Wednesday, the next is forecast to be Tuesday, after that no idea.

Sounds more like a case of one night out and get a "complete" image, or Red Wednesday, wait until following Tuesday for Green, then play tiddlywinks until the next clear night for Blue.

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ones are quite good infact

Hi everyone. Despite searching, I am unable to find an up to date comparison or review of currently availble CCD camera's. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am ditching my mono Atik 314L+ camera simply because I am getting lazy, and can't be doing with all the rgb filters!! Plus, I can't achieve focus when I fit a filter wheel. So I am looking for a one shot colour up to about £1200 or thereabouts. I am considering the QHY10 but read that it suffers with low sensitivty. Also looked at the Trius SX-9C. Looking for valued guidance and advice please.

Many thanks

I have 2 OSC CCDs, a couple of modded Canons,  a 314L+ Mono  and a 383L+ Mono. I understand what you say about the OSC and the lack of fuss  ( try processing an OSC image from a faint target )  but if I were you I'd keep the 314 and would buy a modded Canon. Try the Canon for a while ( modern ones are quite good infact ) and if you find that you can live with the OSC then think about replacing the 314. The other factor is the size of the chip, there is the QHY8L with a DSLR size chip and then the 428 EXC ( I have this ) which is almost the same size of a 314L and the 460 EXC ( much larger sensor but much more money ), the 428 and the 460 are  more senstive than the QHY8L by about 25% in the Ha and 35% in the blue ( I have the original QHY8 ).


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