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AR 2192 is lurking......returns in the next 48hours


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Let's see.....I just got a new solar-filter in. And located my Baader Continuum-Filter. Have my MallinCam set up. Software readied.....And it's turned ice-cold and raining.

Given all the things I lined-up - I'm doomed. I probably should buy a boat for the up & coming flood I've unleashed.

Call Me Noah,


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Nice one, Tony, I caught an earlier view of it online (clouds, clouds, clouds!) and thought then that it was two decent-sized spots turning the bend. But looks like it is one big one, with a big island in the middle


From the past 48 hours, I think the Sun's message was:


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Lovely shot, Jarrod! I managed a quick look  :laugh:  :laugh:  Okay, so it's not one huge spot, but that's an awesome penumbra, the new region is dwarfing the others currently on show, super faculae around the AR, and hey, it made it round :laugh:

And if it's cloudy tomorrow, I won't feel quite so bad :grin:  Typical that I was on hols for the previous lap, biggest sunspot for twenty years, ho hum... :grin:

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