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Prom Quark experiments


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I have a Prominence Quark on loan till my Chromosphere one arrives, experiments so far

These are with my 70mm Pronto prom 0.5 reducer, prime and some surface detail. This was from yesterday with bad seeing and thin cloud.




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Yes I did some visual too muchit was more impressive than the images just so crisp and detailed. Was really amazed what the little pronto showed. The 127 was superb and a brief look through a f10 tal 100rs was better than expected. Only in as much I thought it would be too dim an image. This wasn't the case nice bright and sharp but this was the very end of the day so need to look again before I can make any real comment. I know I should have started with a small scope a worked up but couldn't resist a session with a larger one first. No chance of sun today tbough.

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That's looking good David, as you say we need a long peroid of clear blue sky to try all combinations of equipment.

I started out with good intentions yesterday but spent half an hour looking through the LS60 and never finished another mosaic, but just practicing really as seeing was rubbish.

Might have a trip down to the seaside and bring the chromosphere Quark so we can do a proper comparison using the same equipment and conditions.

How do you think it compares to the Solarmax ?


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I'm happy for a start but as you Say Dave we really need a decent run at things to compare equipment.  I've not had the SM60 out to compare, I don't think i'll be able to get in for the close ups with it. visually surface detail is quite lacking in the prom version but the proms are really vibrant. I have a WO66 which might be a fairer comparison, but it's pouring down today.  

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Managed a bit of blue sky today and here is the best of the bunch, still need to work on processing so any suggestions welcomed. still using wavelets so maybe I'll try LR

first with he 127 and second with TV85, why am I so overexposed top right?



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