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Looking for someone to let someone have some views through their scope.


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I'm not even sure where to start with this. Thinking this might be the right forum but I don't know. 

I have been friends with a gentleman on Facebook for about 2 years now. He became friends with me back when I was into paranormal investigations or "ghost hunts".

Then I got into astronomy and he has been a huge fan of what I have been doing. He seems really into astronomy and in awe of the night sky. He is also partially disabled and has been diagnosed with MS. I would like nothing more than to share my views of the night sky with him but here lies my issue; I live in Wisconsin USA and he lives in Melksham UK.

I was just wondering since SGL is based in the UK and a lot of the members are from the UK, would it be possible to set him up with one of you to give him some views through your scope? I think transportation would be the biggest issue as it sounds like he can't drive so someone might have to make the trip to him.

He has been very supportive to me and I just wish I could give something back. If he lived in the states I would most certainly drive to wherever he is to let him view some of the best night targets.

I don't even really know where to go with this. I suppose if someone is willing to meet with him they could message me and I could set it up from there.

I appreciate everyone's time in reading this and would love if we can make this work.

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The "easy" answer is that they look for an astronomy club in the area they live in and look for a public observing evening. Usually that means they can talk to people and see an assortment of scope and have a look through most of them.

Melksham is close to Seend that has the Wiltshire AS there, looks like it is about 3 miles away from them.

Cannot see a great deal on their website so maybe they can email and ask: http://www.wasnet.org.uk/

Bigger but further away is Swindon, doesn't seem to be one at Chippenham or Trowbridge.

There is a club at Bath, about 8 miles. http://bathastronomers.co.uk/observing/

They say they do not do many public nights - weather - and then describe ones they do (?)

Again get them to ask what arrangements are planned.

Lived over that way and the weather is basically impossible to be half sure of so I can understand then not planning spscific public observing nights as 80% will get cancelled.

Swindon is likely a better option but the other 2 are closer.

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What a nice idea, good for you. Just sorry I don't live near your friend...but I'm sure someone on here will. I love showing new people the night sky, sorta reminds me of how impressed I was when I first saw Saturn.

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  • 6 years later...



After a few year roaming around here for help I never though to search for local stuff and but now I did.


I know this is probably been "fixed" but if you still need someone to show some views through a telescope I can help. I leave in Chippenham which is relatively close to Melksham and i can drive my scope there.


Let me know if after this many years this got sorted in any way :)


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37 minutes ago, elNaboet said:



After a few year roaming around here for help I never though to search for local stuff and but now I did.


I know this is probably been "fixed" but if you still need someone to show some views through a telescope I can help. I leave in Chippenham which is relatively close to Melksham and i can drive my scope there.


Let me know if after this many years this got sorted in any way :)


Op probably knew you would pop up after 7 years😅

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