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First Light with Astronomik Clip In Filter on Canon 400D

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This is the first couple of widefield images taken with my Canon 400d with a before the lens light pollution filter fitted. The filter is made by Astronomik and is being sold by Bern at Modern Astronomy. This is a great idea as you can have a LP filter fitted that is one size that can be used with non EF-S lenses of differing apetures.

The set up was a Canon 400d with Astronomik CLS clip filter, 10-20mm Sigma EX DC lens, Astrotrac mount.

The following image has picked up the Rosette Nebula NGC 2237 to the left of Orion and slighty above the Rosette you can see the Christmas Tree Cluster NGC2264. Above that and in order going to the right and up diagonally are NGC 2174 the Monkey nebula the clusters M35, M36, M37 and M38.


(click to enlarge)

Single exposure 18mins @ ISO 400 lens set to 20mm.

The following Image is centred on the constellation of Leo with Saturn below and the Beehive Cluster M44 to the right. I think the lens was starting to mist up during this image.


(click to enlarge)

Single exposure 11 mins @ ISO 400 lens set to 20mm.



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I raise my hat to you Sir! :salute: (couldn't find a raised hat smiley) That is one of the finest widefields I have seen from a DSLR! Must be POW material. :)

The number of objects visible is quite mind boggling. A swift levels,curves and saturation of Orion alone shows that the capture includes not only M42,which was to be expected but the Flame and Horse Head as well! In fact,the reddish hue to the background of the area,which I thought was remaining LP is,I now think,the curve of the Orion Molecular Cloud showing through!

I'm in your debt,this one image could keep me enthralled for days. :) One of those filter thingies is now on my shopping list. :wink:



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Mind-blowing indeed! absolutely stunning.. You must be well proud of your Astrotrac for giving you such exposures :wink::)

I'm in your debt,this one image could keep me enthralled for days. Laughing

Same here CW :)


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That first one really is beautiful. Have you got an image showing the light pollution before the filter was used?

I will do a comparison next opportunity. I wanted to grab as much imaging time with it last night as clouds kept getting in the way and I knew the weather was going to turn. I have never been able to pull out the rosette neb before in light polluted site like mine so I am very pleased with its performance. My only comment is it leaves a bit of green cast on the background but this was relatively easy to get rid of in post processing.

Thanks to all for your extremely nice comments :wink::)



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Hi Kevin,

Your first image is stunning!

Having read your review of this filter I think I'm sold on getting one for my 350D :afro:

Just one question though: is the 400D you used for these shots unmodded?



Yes it is unmodded. Thats the next thing on the shopping list



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