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Setting up Polar Scope on EQ3-2

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Apologies for asking about something that I know is asked a lot, but I have a quick query about the set up of the polar scope that is confusing me a little.

I have the instructions that came with the EQ3-2 and have inserted the scope and adjusted all the setting circles/set marks on the mount and the polar scope.

So far so good.

The instructions then go on about how, on midnight November 1st, on the Central Meridian of my local time, Polaris is directly above the NCP, so I need the polaris target circle to be directly below the crosshairs in the polar scope sight.

The instructions say to loosen the RA clutch and rotate the RA axis until Nov 1st is lined up with the 0 on the clock dial and lock the clutch. Which I can do.

It then says to look through the polar scope and turn it until the polaris setting circle is in the 6 o'clock position.

However, I am not sure if this means rotate the poar scope of the RA Axis, as I can't rotate the polar scope (or at least I don't think I can). It only rotates when screwing it into the mount. The instructions mention loosening the polar alignment screws, but these are the thumb screws on the mounting that is removed from the mount to screw the polar scope into. I am presuming these instructions relate to an older model of polar scope that could be rotated in the mount when these 3 screws were loosened.

As it is, the polar scope cannot be rotated, once it is screwed in - as far as I can see.

So, am I being dense and can the polar scope actually be rotated, or should I be rotating the RA axis to get the polaris setting circle into the 6 o'clock position?

I've been looking at some You-Tube videos but they have not helped as yet. I also found some posts on here that referenced Astrobaby's guide, but the link was broken. So if someone can point me in the right direction of some clearer instructions, that would be much appreciated. I did find a post that suggested turning the RA axis to get the polaris setting circle at 6 o'clock, so it may just be poorly written instructions in the manual.



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Thanks Jem, very helpful. Think I should be able to get the scope reticule aligned now.

The other issue is setting it up so that aligning polaris in small circle on the reticule means I am accurately aligned on the NCP - online guides I have been looking at seem to be a little better than the instructions that came with the mount!

Thanks again for the link.

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