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S@N Tonight BBC4 1OPM


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Looks good, have set the reminder. :smiley: It's probably a bit early to mention yet but Novembers episode is a special hour long program from Rosetta mission control showing the landing attempt of the Philae probe  :smiley: Details in this months S@N mag. 

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Yes, a much improved presentation.  Would have been nice to hear more from Mr Peach about his amazing planetary efforts.  My take away fact was that Methane absorbs red light.  So if my cat farts do the lights turn blue/green?  :laugh:

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IMHO, one of the best of the S@N episodes in the new post-PM incarnation.

Just finished watching this on BBC Player. A great programme, really benefits from not trying to squeeze more than one subject into the half hour.

If all goes well next month's should be a cracker.

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