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Inexpensive Custom case for eyepieces and other equipment...

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I thought I'd pass along my positive experiences finding a good carry all solution for astronomy on the go.

I have a C90 Mak, CG-4 EQ mount and an a host of EPs, filters, etc. They can all easily fit in my car with the back seats down, but not elegantly, and, I worry, not safely. I got the Celestron eyepiece and filter set as a good starter kit, which comes in a  fairly nice metal attache case, but there is precious little room for any thing else. I found myself carrying an array of makeshift cases for cameras, equip, scope etc. 

A quick trip to our local big-box home store and...problem solved!

I found this case at Menards. (Think Home Depot, or for our UK friends, Home Base, but specific to the American Midwest.)

IMG 20141009 201632

IMG 20141009 201615

IMG 20141009 201600

This particular case ran $29.97. (£18.60 as of this writing.) It has no branding whatsoever, but it looks awfully similar to penguin cases I'd researched earlier. The great thing about it is, it comes filled with foam, which if IS a Penguin case, is what they call "pick and pluck" foam. The entire foam interior comes pre-perforated into 1cm x 1cm extrusions, so with a little care, you can carefully reach in and pull out only the sections you need to create custom storage for a whole host of accessories. It's deep enough I think I could store my C90 in here if I had chosen to.

I'm reluctant to say it IS a penguin case, because when I list the negatives, I don't want that to reflect on them if it isn't their case. The main negative is that the perforations aren't always perfect, and sometimes the foam tears, creating jagged edges, or if you're not careful, will bust through to another compartment. Also, the locking mechanism doesn't seem tight enough to ensure a safely latched lid. But, for 15 minutes of effort, I can now fit all my accouterments in one case. And the lid hasn't yet opened when I didn't want it to. I also like the small tool caddy built into the lid. I can stuff my red LED flashlight in there, plus my micro-fiber cloth, and some other tools. Now I only have to load up my case, mount, and scope, and I'm a wandering astronomer, roaming the hills and slaying the heavenly omens!

Also, if you see the slotted edges on the outer interior, it comes with several hard pieces, also with slots of their own, so you could create interlocking discrete chambers within the case as well, each with a hard divider. Although each ones has some thin padding, so nothing will be a metal hard edge.

Oh, yes...luggage style shoulder strap comes with.

In case you're wondering: 8 Eyepieces plus large zoom EP. Neximage 5 and it's 1.25" adapter. Orion Steady-Pix Pro camera mount. Thousand Oaks 108mm solar filter. Celestron filter series ( 7 Filters under USB cable for Neximage, on lower right.). 45 degree diagonal.

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This looks great! I was wondering where to find more of these sort of cases. It looks suspiciously similar, if not identical to, cases sold by Orion (US) for a considerable rise in price. I do believe it's time for this Vermonter to go on a hunting-trip.....

I have a plethora of astro-kit in a variety of various cases - but consolidating these into this type would be ideal Then I might actually mark the cases and write-up some inventory sheets. As stands, I'm always surprising myself to find the things I'd forgotten I had. Sometimes just before I'm about to pull-the-trigger and purchase what would turn out to be a duplicate!

Thanking you for the post! :biggrin:

Clear & Dark Skies,


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It is always nice surprise when something connected to this hobby doesn't cost an arm and a leg. :)

For those in the UK. Maplins sell something very similar (possibly a bit smaller) which is regularly discounted to the £20-£30 range.


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