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Help with tripods

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I'm brand new to this but I have been interested in Astronomy for as long as I can remember, probably before age 10. Finally, I have decided to get into the hobby and ordered a good but not-too-expensive beginner telescope: http://www.telescope.com/Orion-StarBlast-45-Astro-Reflector-Telescope/p/102010.uts?keyword=starblast%204.5

However, this scope keeps getting further and further backordered, so even though I got my order in when it stated that it would be shipping at the beginning of October, I have been told it won't ship until the end of October at the earliest (first I was told 10/1, then I was told 10/7, now I'm told 10/24...). So I was debating just canceling my original order and getting the same scope but with tripod: http://www.telescope.com/Orion-StarBlast-45-Equatorial-Reflector-Telescope/p/9798.uts?keyword=starblast

But I would really like to have both a small setup for portability, like comes with the original one that I ordered, and the tripod. So my question is... is there a miniature tripod (around 12" maybe) or small telescope stand that would work with this telescope for easy portability, so that I can swap out the tripod that comes with it if I want a smaller setup? I don't know if such a thing even exists, or how I would know how to determine compatibility.

I am torn on what to do because I'm SO excited to get started and I don't want to wait until basically November, but I don't know if I want the full tripod. If there is a small stand or mini tripod that I can get that would work similarly to the stand that comes with the scope I originally ordered, that would solve everything!

Thanks for your help!

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Sorry to post again. Another alternative.... does anyone think it's worth the upgrade from http://www.telescope.com/Orion-StarBlast-45-Astro-Reflector-Telescope/p/102010.uts?keyword=starblast%204.5 to http://www.telescope.com/Orion-SkyQuest-XT6-Classic-Dobsonian-Telescope/p/102004.uts?keyword=sky%20quest%206

Is the extra $100 worth it in spec upgrades? I'm literally brand new at this... I know a lot about astronomy as far as astronomical objects but zip about scopes, other than that larger aperture is better.


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To be honest I would avoid any scope that is as fast as f/4, actually to my thinking f/5 is as fast as I would consider and would prefer someone to start with an f/6 or slower at f/7 out to f/10.

At f/4 it will be sensative to being mis-collimated, and you may well need some good eyepiece on it. The point there being the eyepieces coulg be a high proportion of the scope cost.

Couldn't you find something at f/6 instead?

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Here is a 6" with f/5: http://www.telescope.com/Telescopes/Dobsonian-Telescopes/Dobsonian-Telescopes-with-Free-Shipping/Orion-StarBlast-6-Astro-Reflector-Telescope/pc/1/c/12/sc/398/p/102011.uts?refineByCategoryId=398

And a 4.5 with f/7.9: http://www.telescope.com/Telescopes/Dobsonian-Telescopes/Dobsonian-Telescopes-with-Free-Shipping/Orion-SkyQuest-XT45-Classic-Dobsonian-Telescope/pc/1/c/12/sc/398/p/102009.uts?refineByCategoryId=398

Like I said I don't know much... I was thinking the 6 would be better because everything I read says larger aperture is better. Would there be a big difference between the 4.5 and the 6? Can anyone suggest some good brands other than Orion? Right now I've really only been looking into Orion because I've read good things about it. 

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Some smaller scopes can be mounted on photography tripods, the aren't normally stable enough for larger scopes though and the lack of fine controls and counterweight would be a problem for longer focal lengths. My frac can be and I have a small mak that works like that too.

You haven't really stated what you want to use the scope for though so hard for anyone to offer advise.

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I didn't really realize there were specifications heh. Sorry! I just want to be able to see planets, star clusters, the moon, I'll probably get a solar filter.... other deep space objects if possible. 

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At this point I'm really thinking of just upgrading to the quoted telescope rather than dealing with the mount issue. Not only is it a larger aperture, but the other poster, ronin, feels that I should go with f/6 or slower, and the XT6 scope is f/8.

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Well a 6" Dob will certainly do all of that and be reasonably portable.

If you get a solar filter make sure it's full aperture (covers the end of the scope).

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I have an XT6 and it is a great telescope, you would not be disappointed and it would be far superior to the Starblast,  :smiley:

Thanks for the input! I think that, as long as it's a reasonable price, that's the one I'll go with! :)

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Well if you can push the budget then this is the one i would go with, i got the Skywatcher version of this for my first scope and the views will blow you away, dont get me wrong the 6" is a good aperature to start with but if ou can push the boat out the go for the 8..it is portable enough to carry as one or you can split into two.


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Consider contacting your local Astronomical Society, and attend their next observing session. You will meet some experienced observers and have a chance to get up and close, and look through some different scopes. This would give you a better perspective on what's available before you spend your hard earned money.   

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