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Full disc in colour - 7/10


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Canon 1100D at prime focus w/ T-ring on a Skyliner 200P. ISO200, 1/2000 sec. - 170 frames.

Used PIPP to auto-crop and centre and selected the best 93 frames (all >90%), aligned and stacked in AS!2, then some histogram and contrast tweaks, 3 layers of wavelets, de-ringing and de-noising etc. in Registax, and some final tweaks to curves and colour and a final light unsharp mask in Gimp.

Certainly made up for being on the wrong side of the world for the eclipse...

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Great shot, I love the colour! :icon_salut:

I'll be interested to see what people say about the edge blur, I wonder if it's something to do with Autostakkert, it seemed to me that on some of my full disc solar images, the detail towards the edges was sharper when stacked with avistack :confused:

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