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In purchasing an entirely new setup which included a 50mm stellarvue as a guidescope, I sorta tripped and picked up a stellarvue SV90 Raptor. I've mounted it onto my other frac for a reason I'm quite ashamed to admit.... it looked really cool. So now I've got an FSQ, SV90, and an SV50. To make this even more stupid, my CCDS has a built in OAG and my guidecam just screws into the CCDS housing.

I've spent all the cash I have to spend, no more hardware for at least the next 30yrs. And so question:

What would you do with the extra scopes? And no, donating them to your personal charity isn't an option [emoji6]


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The usual thing to do with spare gear is advertise and sell it :D  Try the Classifieds on here.  Best be sure you won't have a use for it in the future first though :D

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I NEVER would've believed I'd say this, but I bought everything I ever wanted with this mount. A couple of TV's, a 110deg Ethos and standard Ethos, a QSI CCD with eight astrotech filters, my dream mount/tripod/battery, FSQ105 w/Extender/reducer/etc, pelican cases, Kendrick dew heaters, lodestar X2 guidecam, laptop, even a televue seat, and all the bits. I suppose I've been somewhat curious about that 30mm 3in 5+lb eyepiece by ES... but seems excessive. Funny were some of us draw the arbitrary line in the sand.

I'm coming off sounding douchee huh? If I read a thread about a guy having this issue, I'd probably call him names under my breath. I'm a single guy without a family and came upon some cash and opted to fill this dream. Now I'm back to broke. At least when I'm homeless I'll have the nicest portable observatory on the street!

Sell the SVR90 and the SV50 and buy some other goodies... Shopping for astronomy gear is never done...

Both together will fetch you quite a lot of spare cash, so what are you going to ask Santa for?

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I NEVER would've believed I'd say this, but I bought everything I ever wanted with this mount. A couple of TV's, a 110deg Ethos and standard Ethos, a QSI CCD with eight astrotech filters, my dream mount/tripod/battery, FSQ105 w/Extender/reducer/etc, pelican cases, Kendrick dew heaters, lodestar X2 guidecam, laptop, even a televue seat, and all the bits. I suppose I've been somewhat curious about that 30mm 3in 5+lb eyepiece by ES... but seems excessive. Funny were some of us draw the arbitrary line in the sand.

I'm coming off sounding douchee huh? If I read a thread about a guy having this issue, I'd probably call him names under my breath. I'm a single guy without a family and came upon some cash and opted to fill this dream. Now I'm back to broke. At least when I'm homeless I'll have the nicest portable observatory on the street!

You Sir are a lucky person! I daresay you are the first person I have come across that doesn't want any more astrogear.

A visit to your doctor for an examination is required. This is not normal!

In that spirit, keep the Stellarvue and buy a quark for solar viewing (The FSQ being a quadruplet and also fluorite is not suitable for the task).

There you go! I found you something to buy!!!

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Solar viewing!!!! AGGHH!!!! Why'd you gotta go and do that?!? Lol

It gets worse. Have you seen the sun and moon with binoviewers? If you haven't you are missing half the fun.

Grab your credit card. Operators are standing by to take your money order.

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