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Sad day (or Equinox Party)


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Today I found myself in Burnham-on-sea with a few hours to kill

(having concluded my business there earlier than expected)

so it was either a stroll on the beach with swmbo

or a quick nip down the road to Wellington where I was led to believe resided SCSastro !

She said yes ! So off we went !!

Only to find it closed till Monday cos of an Equinox Party :( boohoo

What was/is this Equinox Party wot stole them away ?

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Norfolk, gosh that's a bit of a trek :)

Thanks Steve.

Thanks James,

that's as close as I've ever been to an Orion10

and it actually looked a lot smaller than expected !

PS shame I could'nae find any opening times on the website,

maybe I'm going blind ?

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that's as close as I've ever been to an Orion10

and it actually looked a lot smaller than expected !

The one he has in the window, with the huge dent in the side?  Makes me wince every time I see it, that does :(


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The one he has in the window, with the huge dent in the side?  Makes me wince every time I see it, that does 

Ouch ! Has it, didnt see that :) I wonder what their CCTV will show of me, I felt like a Victorian child with nose pressed against the glass of a sweet shop. !!!!! :) Sweep it for sticky thumb prints !!!!

Actually, I basically wanted to see what kind of an emporium/range of display stock it was.

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The one he has in the window,

Yes the one in the window, right at the front,

sorry to re-enter this subject,

I looked at it, best as I could, thinking hmmm is that a 10"dob, must look it up when I get home and noted it said on the side Orion10.


how many Orions are there on the website !?

and I thought wind it end to end scrolls went out with the Egyptians(Romans?) !

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Maybe a mod could combine these posts ! Since there is no one else about at this time of night !

looks like it might be the XT10 this one maybe :


with "jumbo optics" wowsers ! Yes, about 1/3 down the page :)

All we need now are some weights ;)

"mirror gathers a ton of light"

no no not that kind of weight !

dear me,

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As said it is a hell of a trek to Norfolk and SCS are not listed as one of the traders/retailers at the event.

Was wondering why we have had solid cloud last night and now today..

Visited SCS once, it was well into the day and it wasn't open, I also managed to drive past it 3 times before I realised where it was. As I was about to give up a large delivery truck arrived to drop off a consignment of scopes etc. The driver had to ring the owner a few times to get him to come out and open up to get the delivery. I guess that he has a shop but is mostly internet so passing trade (as I was) is low/minimal in all honesty.

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It may well be the tube from an XT10.  I seem to recall that it is free-standing rather than on any kind of mount.  The dented one that I recall looks like it has been on the edge of a table or something.  There's a large elliptical area pushed in with a straight crease across the long axis.  It may be facing away from the window though.

Did you notice if he still has the Paramount mount in the middle of the shop?  He seems to have had that for years.


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Only a 'Sad' in my title, not a problem not a disaster.

I dont want to leave an impression that I am in any way miffed ! :)

I was reasonably close by and it was an op. to be grabbed.

Now that I know where he is I can phone/make contact in advance and make the longer trip a direct time efficient 'zoom'

James > "Paramount mount in the middle"

Sorry, no, wouldnt know a paramount if it came to me and said hello !

That was part of the purpose of finding an emporium - I have not met any of these new-fangled toys 'in the flesh'yet, sooooo,

I think my best course of action is to talk Keiron into holding his own Star Party over this way :icon_bounce::happy6::happy7::blob10:  ( And while I am at it I will volunteer James as 2nd Lt. :) )

If anyone sees him in the bar again, buy him a pint for me and hope the clouds move for him :)

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Ah yes, see wot u mean, especially if it stood on my toe.

I should have taken a photo, but guess where my camera was !

I've just had a spiffing idea chaps,

Instead of us all travelling from far and wide to windswept blasted ( in the Shakesperian sense)  heaths, or the congestion that is London, , ,

wonder how much it would be worth the while of an enterprising importer or main agent to put a pantechnicon together and to hire village halls here and there from time to time ?

Cos the more I read on the interweb the more my brain hertz.

Dream on , , ,

Nurse, ,

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I saw Keiron (proprietor of SCSastro) in the bar at Kelling Heath earlier this week.

Did pass my mind that he could have gone to observe and have a break after I hit Post. So not present as a trader as such.

Whatever, it is still a fair trek across country, guess 6 hours easily and I could see it taking 8 without too mch trouble.

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across country.

That is the prob., to Norfolk from West Country is all very much cross-country, cross everything !!

I used to do it years ago when there was very much less traffic, so he is a braver man than I Gunga Din, or very motivated or has his own executive jet ! :)

Full marks to him if it was for pleasure :)

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You didn't miss much! I went over to look at an ex display/demo c9.25 that he has. Well after blowing the thick layer of dust off of it, I decided I didn't want to pay a price which was more than some vendors sell them for new, for an old model (non fastar) with no accessories. It did however come with a nice Orion padded bag (complete with thick layer of dust, did I mention the dust?).

The paramount was indeed there. Pride of place in the middle of the shop (with dust). Didn't notice the dented 10" in the window though. Its a good job he has a nice website!

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I had hoped I might be able to find one of these fabled new fangled Evolution 9.25 thingies, so  that I could fondle pick it up in my arms and judge its portabiliy.

But 'twas not to be,

this shopping on the interweb is all very well but seeing something in the flesh is better still to tempt ones wallet out of seclusion :)

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