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Splitting the double double


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I have a celestron 114 eq and I can't seem to split the double double.  I can find it with binoculars and make the first split, but I can't seem to get it to split again.  How much magnification do I need to get this done?  Is it possible that because everything gets turned with my reflector that I am actually looking in the direction?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Should be doable in your scope but it needs to be cooled and collimated well. The orientation won't make any difference as long as you are looking at the right stars! ;-)

Try somewhere over x100, maybe x150 if you have the eyepieces for it.

Can you see that they are elongated, or peanut shaped even though you can't split them?

Sometimes the seeing conditions just aren't good enough, so keep trying on another night if you don't get it tonight


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I definitely think refractors have an easier time of it splitting tighter doubles. It is doable at x70 or so in a 4" apo refractor, I've split it in a 66mm at not so much more than that, around x100.

I've never viewed it in a smallish reflector but do expect it to be achievable although others will have more relevant direct experience.

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As said above, the seeing condition has the major part of it, then type of scopes and collimation play some role too.

I guess the seeings have been mostly good up here, I can splitt it with MarkIII zoom in 16mm setting with 120ED, that's 56x, and 85x with 8" SCT when it was not best collimated, and 66x when it is. Earlier when I had SW 130P, it was only splitted in 130x.

There had been a couple of time when the seeing were bad, I had difficult to split it in C8 even in 127x.

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split it friday with ease in both a 12 and 10 newt, and have done it with a 6 inch newt so your scope should do it, but its tight. so good collimation and steady air needed. Next clear night I will try with the 115mm tal i have, to check.

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