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Stacking in Registax. Again :wink:

I can't actually see where you enter how many frames you want to stack. I can enter the number for the reference stacking, but I honestly can't see for the life of me where to select for the final stack.

I've managed to get it to do what I want with the other images, but it's not listening to me with my saturns for some reason - it just goes and stacks the lot...


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from memory (and this is going back a bit for me now). There are two ways...

1. Set the quality to include all frames - then manually go through each frame and remove (uncheck) the bad ones from being included. This does mean that YOU are in complete control of the good/bad frames.

2. Set the quality to 80% or whatever you want it to be and let the software decide which category each frame falls into - Much Much quicker but you have less control.



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Try this…….open registax make sure the box saying automatic processing is not ticked.

Run your Avi, at the bottom of the screen you will see a slider…drag slider backwards and forwards depending on what quality and stack size you require.


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Generally are you able to get better final images going down the manual route? Is the extra time and effort worth it? So far I've just used the auto facility in Registax and have been pleased with the results, however if I can squeeze a bit more detail.....



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Isn't there an option called Stackgraph? It pops up a window with a 2d graph of i) quality of each frame and ii) "distance" from reference. You then adjust the horizontal and vertical sliders to impose quality limits or distance limits on the final stack. As you move the sliders, the total number of frames that will be stacked is displayed. That's from memory.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the link Thermos. Ive been trying to make sense of the registax 4 tutorial for the past two days now. Although the words are in English it's certainly isn't written in the English language.

Its bin makin my brane hurt ;)

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