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Revelation eyepiece kit

astro man

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The revelation ep set is basically plossls in a box with some filters. It is a good set for the money but I doubt it would show a significant improvement over the orbiner set of plossls you already have. Starguider AKA BST explorers may be a better choice but it depends on what improvements you want ie: FOV, contrast, sharpness or edge correctness etc.

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Hello i own a set and mostly only ever use the 32mm whitch is a good one,and maybe 15mm,as for the filters nd96 on the moon to cut the brightness down,they are a good starting point if you had  just bought a telescope and then progress to better quality later on,i see you have a selection already.im sure someone will be along to recomend a good make and usable power to suit your scope. 

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Hi Astro Man, I can't help feeling you will be replacing like for like and will not see any improvement.  I would go for more individual eyepieces more suited to your viewing preferences.  The BST Explorers/StarGuiders already mentioned would be a significant improvememt over what you already have, found here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313&_nkw=bst+explorers&_sacat=0

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Seems little use in replacing one set of budget plossl's for another set of budget plossl's.

In the worst case the Revelations could be worse - although I doubt that - in the most irnonic Orbinar could well source their plossl's from Revelation(GSO) so you buy the same items with Orbinar on the side not Revelation.

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Hi guys I currently have a set of Orbiner eyepieces that I would like to replace.. I have been looking at the revelation eyepiece kit

Are they worth buying or would I be wasting my money and be back at square 1?


Astro man

For your 8-inch dob you will need a wider view from your eyepieces.

See if you can try before you buy to find out what suits you.

When I got the 200p Dob, I used the 12mm and 9mm Revelations I had already.

They were OK and worked well.

I still use the 9mm in the Barlow to give me a ridiculous 290x mag when the conditions allow (which is not very often).

However, the Maxvisions were a massive step up for clear wide 68o views, to absorb the panorama (24mm + 16mm = £130 delivered).

The Explore Scientific 82 degree is slightly better, with super wide views (11mm = £90)

And the 6mm TV Delos is superb (£195 second hand)

I feel you will outgrow the Revelation Plossls very quickly.

I know I did.

My experience is that Plossls are OK for planets - but restrictive on everything else.

At higher magnifications, the narrow 52 degrees makes it harder for you to navigate around the moon, star hop, and find nebula with an OIII filter fitted.

At lower mags - you also need a wider view.

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