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First ever planetary image. Don't laugh!


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I've converted it to PNG so the file is smaller (and will display in-line).


It's clearly Jupiter, so I think that counts as a success for a first ever planetary image :)

I'd suggest that you may need more gain or a longer exposure time (or perhaps both) to get a brighter image.  More exposure time would probably give you more to work with from a processing point of view.

It is very early in the season, too.  It will becomes much easier as time goes on.


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Great first image! Well done. Ao rewarding to actually see something which looks like it is meant to. Yeah, it's dark but who cares, it's clearly jupiter. I hope you are over the moon.

As said above, lots of work to do to i prove your capture. But the ball has started rolling and within a few sessions you'll have loads more data.

Smashing start; well done and really exciting!


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you will not find anybody laughing at any images around here, most of us have been through the exact learning curve you are about to enter. your image is fine, its clearly Jupiter and some decent surface detail showing. my 1st planet image other than being a round disc had no detail at all.

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