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Uranus - Featuring Satellites


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Thought I'd slip a bit of Video Astronomy in here. But imaging Uranus and

"retinue" has long been on my mind, so Full-Moon notwithstanding... 

The image is stack of 100x1.28s (64x stacked!) Watec 102N+ frames

(Give or take the odd factor of two? lol) But effectively 4min real time!

Dark Subs, some adjustment of "Levels" and a bit o' wavelet tweaking. ;)


Naturally such things remain dubious without a Star Map? But the blobs

seem to correlate rather (surprisingly!) well with Stellarium predictions. :p


Of course, an 8" / F4 Newt (f/800!) is hardly the ideal "planetary scope".

But I am encouraged to give my (Barlowed?) MAK150 a go sometime. :)

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Thanks for the enthusiasm folks! I'm sure the inner satellites lurk beneath Uranus's glow. ;)

Quite how to get to them is less clear. I can still get "several factors" in exposure time

via the Watec. A Barlowed 8" (f/8) Newt? LP filters? My 6" (f/12) Mak150 maybe? 

Still a little time left before Uranus disappears behind next door's hedge... :p

Until I get a pukka "planetary cam" (one day) this is quite fun... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this Chris.  I've just taken a shot and thought I had caught some moons but didn't know if it was possible.  You've shown it is, so made me hopeful that I've got them too.  I'm using a standard CCD and a 123mm scope though.  Going to try some different exposure times to see whether it is possible to tease out any more moons or some colour/detail on the disk (not really holding out any hope for this though!!!)


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