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Phew...finally...street light sorted!!


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After a lot of diplomatic missions and intensive talks, the street light was finally sorted.

They first dimmed it, which wasn't great...I could barely see a difference frankly. Whinged a bit to them, then they came and cut down the column by 1 meter. They say 1 meter, but it looks about 50cm to me.

More whinging and whining and this morning I caught the company van outside getting ready to install the shield, rushed out and talked to the guy and he kindly fitted the shield into the right angle I requested. He was very receptive and understanding.

So..yes...finally..sorted!! All I need to do now is send a thank you letter to the councilor and the electric engineer!!




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Great news Emad ! Hope it works well for you:-) I know how you feel with all this, my neighbours outside light drives me bonkers, thankfully my obsy at the bottom of the garden shields it quite well.

Anyway it looks like your nightmare maybe at least reduced if not over:-)


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Hang on, I just heard that the neighbour on the right hand side has just put in a complaint - the shield is blocking light into their garden.......

Seriously, well done, great result.

Maybe SGL could set up a topic area where successful people could post their letters etc when they get good results. This could then be used to some extent by others in similar situations.

Now all you need is some clear wonderful nights.


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Hang on, I just heard that the neighbour on the right hand side has just put in a complaint - the shield is blocking light into their garden.......

Seriously, well done, great result.

Maybe SGL could set up a topic area where successful people could post their letters etc when they get good results. This could then be used to some extent by others in similar situations.

Now all you need is some clear wonderful nights.


It's actually pointed in my direction - only blocking some of the light in the neighbor's garden.

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They will now come along next week and replace the whole lot with one of these................


Just about every one in Grimsby have been replaced now.................^^^^^^^^^^^ that one is right outside my bedroom window.

The ones here are only 4-month-old...

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Very interesting thread. The lights in my village are currently being replaced. The new poles have been put up (Generally very close to existing lights) and some of them are taller than the incumbents. Hopefully my garden will remain unaffected, but it still puts you on edge.

What makes me irate is how the local authorities have been utterly fleeced by the lighting utility companies on this (Balfour Beatty and the like). In my village they're replacing them with high pressure sodium lights and not LED. I queried with the lighting engineer about this, and apparently the same light was agreed across South Cambridgeshire a couple of years ago. Of course what's happening is that you put up high pressure sodium and then have yourself a nice little annuity being paid to replace and sell lightbulbs for the next 20 years, rather than LED where you pay more but will then just leave them up and they'll last for at least 15 years without any kind of maintenance. The paybacks on LED are just so much better for the councils, but of course the the lighting companies get no income from changing bulbs etc in the future. BTW this isn't a conspiracy theory - I work for an LED lighting company (we don't do street lights).

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Very interesting thread. The lights in my village are currently being replaced. The new poles have been put up (Generally very close to existing lights) and some of them are taller than the incumbents. Hopefully my garden will remain unaffected, but it still puts you on edge.

What makes me irate is how the local authorities have been utterly fleeced by the lighting utility companies on this (Balfour Beatty and the like). In my village they're replacing them with high pressure sodium lights and not LED. I queried with the lighting engineer about this, and apparently the same light was agreed across South Cambridgeshire a couple of years ago. Of course what's happening is that you put up high pressure sodium and then have yourself a nice little annuity being paid to replace and sell lightbulbs for the next 20 years, rather than LED where you pay more but will then just leave them up and they'll last for at least 15 years without any kind of maintenance. The paybacks on LED are just so much better for the councils, but of course the the lighting companies get no income from changing bulbs etc in the future. BTW this isn't a conspiracy theory - I work for an LED lighting company (we don't do street lights).

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be happy you're not getting leds...no lp filter for them as far as I know :)

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I love the way that in the UK if you have a problem with street lights for any reason, you just get on the phone to the local council and lodge your complaint and although they dont move quickly, they do sort it out. I'm not so sure that local councils here in Ireland would be so obliging. Over the last couple of yrs, most of the lights along motorways have either been shielded so as to direct light only downwards or are now LED's. Maybe they have plans for the future to do the same for secondary roads and housing estates. 

The lights on my street look like drinks containers you get in a cinema, stuck on the top of a pole with a cap on top. They do glow orange also. The one good thing about them is that they are spaced out far enough, so that the space between then is somewhat usable with a LPF. I have one across the road from me about 45 degrees offset from when i am outside (looking straight forward) and the next one along is 5 houses down at the end of the road. I live in a cul-de-sac comprising of about 14-16 bungalows.

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