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Wide Field

Sean L

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Hi guys,

I took this pic last week on holiday in Ireland.. didn't have a tripod with me so i just rested my camera on a pillow and pointed roughly towards the Milky Way ( I could see it with my naked eyes which was amazing for a city boy) and this was my result...I know its not amazing but is there any thing interesting in the picture any one could point out as i have no idea what any of the stars in it are?  Thanks all :)post-34063-0-06716800-1409765157.jpg

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Thanks im trying that site now! its processing though.  I wish i took multiple shots to stack now this was just 1 10 second exposure...im determined to go back with tripod and do it properly :)

out of interest what lens and  camera settings were you using


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it was a canon 600d 18-55 kit lens 3.5 iso6400

I have 1100d, same lens plus a nifty fifty and acces to a very dark site in Kielder forest, I cant get shots like that,  even with 20 or 30 second expostures even processed I am doing something very wrong I think

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I have 1100d, same lens plus a nifty fifty and acces to a very dark site in Kielder forest, I cant get shots like that, even with 20 or 30 second expostures even processed I am doing something very wrong I think

I took some with my nifty 50 put unfortunately they had slight trails... I don't think your doing any thing wrong but the place I was staying coincidentally has an international gold medal for its dark skies (not quite sure what that is). I literally walked outside one night looked up and froze for a few minutes, I couldn't believe that there was almost as much white star as there was dark space. I really want to go back with kit!

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I took some with my nifty 50 put unfortunately they had slight trails... I don't think your doing any thing wrong but the place I was staying coincidentally has an international gold medal for its dark skies (not quite sure what that is). I literally walked outside one night looked up and froze for a few minutes, I couldn't believe that there was almost as much white star as there was dark space. I really want to go back with kit!

yeah Keilder has the same award,

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Nice work. The view is from Cygnus at the top to Aquila at the bottom. The bright blue star right at the top of frame is Deneb, and I can just make out some red nebulosity from the North America Nebula and Sadr region.

Spot on , no idea how you got that !! if your ever in Hertford you will have to show me a thing or two !

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Spot on , no idea how you got that !! if your ever in Hertford you will have to show me a thing or two !

Well, I'd like to be able to claim omniscience of the heavens, but I imaged a similar field of view a few days ago with my kit lens. ;) Also, DN4 mentioned the coathanger, after that I was able to find Deneb and Vega.

OK , heres another pic same sort of thing this time with the nifty fifty i think. I just spotted a odd turquoise dot in the bottom right third?? aliens ? or does someone have an explanation?  

Not sure, I'd say hot pixel but it seems to be trailing like a star. There aren't many green objects up there. There is Comet Jacques, but it hasn't reached Sagitta yet.

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