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Burning the astro candle at both ends


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 Stayed out last night 'till 2.30 trying to image C/Jacques then got up early to try and mosaic the Sun, neither attempt too successful so now have to try Jacques again tonight, starting to suffer from sleep deprivation  :grin:


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 Stayed out last night 'till 2.30 trying to image C/Jacques then got up early to try and mosaic the Sun, neither attempt too successful so now have to try Jacques again tonight, starting to suffer from sleep deprivation  :grin:


nothing wrong with that! wish I could get out!

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Good for you. Have to admit I will skip a late night if I see an opportunity to get some more solar in at the moment.

According to the forecast there should have been opportunities for both but spent most of the time cloud dodging  :grin:


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Its been a few yrs since ive done a long session. There was a time when in late autumn i'd have dinner done by 6pm and i'd be out the back til 6am the next morning. I'd sleep til 11am and then get up and do a few hours of HTML. Now at the ripe old age of 40, i'm happy with a couple of hours outside and back in to catch the news at 9. If conditions are perfect outside i'll stay out til about 11pm.

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Its been a few yrs since ive done a long session. There was a time when in late autumn i'd have dinner done by 6pm and i'd be out the back til 6am the next morning. I'd sleep til 11am and then get up and do a few hours of HTML. Now at the ripe old age of 40, i'm happy with a couple of hours outside and back in to catch the news at 9. If conditions are perfect outside i'll stay out til about 11pm.

Bless :-)

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