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Seyfert 1 / ARP 298 / Mark 1514 starburst ring galaxy


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Hubble has taken some stunning images.

One of them is of NGC 7469 and its partner..This galaxy is rather special with a VERY active core.


Visually last night, I was surprised that I could see this galaxy even with direct vision. It is small but boy does its core pack a punch. It looks like a galaxy with a field star at its heart.

No I could not see IC 5283!

NGC 7469 is a mag 12 galaxy a couple of hundred million light years away in Pegasus..


Makes a change from looking at NGC 7331 every time you look towards that square.


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Might try and break the 500 million light year barrier when I get another clear night and try the Pegasus II cluster NGC 7499/7501/7503...

Looks like a good target for a dark site with a 20 inch dob!

A challenge for the imagers on this foru?. Perhaps a contender for the most galaxies within a FOV ?? Hubble image please needed!


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