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Holiday in Cuba

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Just recently started getting into Astronomy, done a lot of reading and got a copy of Turn Left at Orion, also been using Stellarium.  Just have some 10x50 binoculars at the minute.  Been out a few times and mainly spent my time getting used to where things are.  

Anyways, I'm off to Cayo Coco in Cuba next week for 2 weeks, and I was just wondering if anyone has been there and if so how dark are the skies and what I might be able to see.

Planning on getting a telescope once I get back :)



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Not been there, but given it is an island I would expect the skies to be pretty good if you can get away from the city/town lights a bit.

If I were you, I would make the most of the southern skies by looking at the Sagittarius/'teapot' region of the Milky Way. There are loads of lovely objects which are visible in binoculars if you just trawl up and down the MW.

This gives you an idea of the area, but get a star map or an app to help you out.


Make sure you stay safe when trying to find somewhere dark though, no point getting mugged!!

Have fun


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Cheers for the replies guys.

Will definitely give that a go, got the Cambridge Star Atlas on order and hope to have it by the end of this week :)

Yeah got plenty of insect repellent ready to go

Will definitely post once I get back to let you know what I see :)

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