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Part of NGC7000 in narrowband RGB


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Hi all.

Still getting to grips with processing Full narrowband data (this is only my second full narrowband data set).

Lots of info on the net and with this process I have lost track with how many methods are mixed into the result.


 The SII and OIII data was Shot over the last month or so when skies  allowed and  Ha was from 2011.

the image started out as

RGB maped as SII,Ha,OIII

SII = 21 @ 900 seconds

Ha = 19 @ 900 seconds

OIII = 19 @ 900seconds

Shot through my 10" newt @ 1200mm

Thanks for looking.



I have the Ha data to do a mosaic but not sure if I can fit in the time to get the rest of the narrowband data. :eek:


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It would be nice if you could manage the mosaic Mike, but if time is the enemy, so be it,

Not to worry though, what  you have achieved is very  good indeed. Certainly got your Narrowband licence with this.


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