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Sea plankton found on outside of ISS


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Sea plankton found on outside of ISS - But how did it get there? Good question! ;)


Initially, I agreed with Vladimir Solovyey (It drifted up from earth) - Now I'm not sure!

Plankton mass? Escape velocity? Wouldn't it get *spattered* on the windscreen? :p

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With our various space missions we could be seeding our very own solar system with life........and Voyager could be taking care of our galaxy!

For sure. There's definitely life on Mars - terrestrial life. Whether it will flourish there or just stay dormant, is anybody's guess.

One assumes that if a rocket travels through clouds (or even, maybe just sea air - as all Floridian launches do) then there's enough bacterial goop and other life forms for some of them to stick to the surfaces.

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Seems more likely to me that they hitched a lift on a rocket.

Especially since ones with re-usable segments get ditched into the sea.

TSED70Q, iOptron Smart EQ pro, ASI-120MM, Finepix S5 pro.

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