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skyliner 200 pain in neck


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Had the skyliner out for a first light tonight unfortunately illness has cut short my night. One thing to note though, having not yet reattached my telrad rdf I was using just the straight through finder for guidance, wow that thing hurts to use near zenith, I think a ra finder may be on my xmas wish list.

Did manage alberioe which I still can't spell, and the ring which looked lovely, nicer than I've seen it before and it had a blue tinge to it, confirmed by my Mrs who is the resident fuzzy expert owing to her much better eyesight.

One other point I had been out for around an hour and a half and dew was starting to develop, so maybe a dew shield is also needed sooner rather than later.

Anyway it was nice and it once again was head and shoulders in front of my old scope

Clear skies


Edit: this was supposed to go in the observing reports forum, sorry, Steve.

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you should try put the base on a stable round small table so it brings the eyepiece up to a comfortable height. id stick with a telrad and some decent charts and a pocket sky atlas :)

.... And an RA finder.

Straight through is easier to aim. RA harder to aim but far far better for star hopping.

A lot of people use water but stands from the local garden center to raise the eyepiece / finder.


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