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Give some targets for tonight please


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1st clear night over dumfries for a long time, batteries on charge , warm jacket hat and boots dug out , 8"Dob collimated, think I'll have a gas about Cygnus area and try to find m27 as well, anyone suggest any other targets for me please.

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If you are looking for M27, have a quick look at the Double Double in Lyra. Then a quick look at Albireo for a nice easy coloured double. Then on to the dumbbell (M57).

Also have a look at the comet a degree or two up and left from the Double Cluster.

Have a quick look at the Owl Cluster in Cassiopia as well.

Don't forget the observing report!


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Second alberio, then m27 dumbell, m57 ring nebulae, m13 and m92 both relatively easy globs in Hercules.

There's several more globs and open clusters around Cygnus and Altair, try downloading stellarium for more targets

Good luck and clear skies


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If you have a good southern horizon Sagittarius is worth a look, M22,  the Eagle nebula and the Omega are some but there are loads more down there .  Should be at their highest point about 10.00 pm.

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