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Successful evening


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What a wonderful evening here in Grado, Italy last night! Finally managed to find the best method for calibration of goto on my scope (auto two-star align using Polaris and Arcturus), and was rewarded by finally managing to see Saturn! It was great at 12mm and 8mm in the GTL80, too fuzzy at 5mm but that's not a surprise. The goto got the planet within the frame of the 12mm eyepiece, which was quite impressive! Also managed to get it to slew to M13, which I've found before by hand using the instructions from 'Turn left at Orion', but it was nice to have it track accurately so that everyone around could take a look. A few other targets (Mizar and a couple of doubles) rounded out the evening, had a lot of interest from the kids and adults staying in the bungalows near us too, was a real pleasure being able to explain the skies to them (even using my very limited knowledge!). All in all a great evenings observing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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