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M29 through binoculars- my first dso.

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hello to the whole sgl community.

i went to my home town in the state of Rajasthan with my binos,tripod and astronomy software on my android (star chart). the sky was clear near the zenith and cygnus was clearly visible. i consulted the software and found out that M29 is located in cygnus.I set up my binos and tried finding it. After 5 mins. i was sucessful in locating it and then  bought in under clear focus. it was a treat to my eyes :shocked:  :shocked:  :shocked: . My uncle also looked through the binos and he also enjoyed it . would you all help me finding other dso.s. Which dso did you had for your first one? 

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Wow, that's some light pollution, and I though my skies were bad. You have my sympathy :-) I don't know how big those binoculars of yours are, but with skies like that open clusters - like M29 - are a good bet.

You could try for M39 which is also in Cygnus, on the opposite side of bright Deneb from M29.

There's the double cluster, literally 2 of them next to each other (NGC 884 and 869), between Perseus and Cassiopeia that's great in binoculars, and relatively easy to find.

Finally, if you're up late (at least 13:00) the Pleiades (M45) will be rising in the east. They're low, but probably naked eye even from your location. In binoculars they're lovely.

I hope that gives you something to go on.


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I only saw M29 for certain a couple of nights ago after a number of previous attempts, in skies probably darker than yours. So finding it in five minutes sounds pretty good to me. (Lesson learned: use low magnification to find stuff, then increase to view closely ...)  M13 should be viewable (in Hercules) in addition to the others mentioned (lesson learned: it's easy to get confused about north and south when you're looking straight up ...).

Have fun -- Joel.

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        My skies are so badly light polluted that i cannot see any thing till 45 degrees above my horizon.and for hercules, the stars arent visible. m29 was seen when i went to my aunt's house in rajasthan. i am in delhi right now

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check out pleiades at 2am in Delhi. It will be a fab show in binos. I have a 10" dobson in Delhi. This cluster goes beyond the FOV and looks like hundreds of small & big diamonds. On a closer look, you can find various doubles in this cluster.  Near to cygnus is constellation Lyra. Two good objects here - one is the famous Double Double called Epsilon Lyrae and second is the Ring Nabula. Both can be easily seen and enjoyed in a 5" under normal dark skies. But never saw them through Binos.  

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