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Herschel wedge users. Opinions please.

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You say the views are better at high mags, would they be better even at low mags? I can't achieve high mags with the 80mm cos the ca gets in the way being a fast scope?

CA really shouldn't be an issue with a continuum filter as it is narrowband. I suspect it may be more to do with the figure of the optics or other aberrations.

My 85mm gives fantastic views, but I still don't use more than around x50 or 60. If the seeing is excellent you can go higher but I find that the detail is there at the lower mag, and I prefer the crisp, brighter view. Something like an ED80 would probably be excellent.


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You say the views are better at high mags, would they be better even at low mags? I can't achieve high mags with the 80mm cos the ca gets in the way being a fast scope?

You still get CA with a wedge, because it simply reduces the amount of light, not the bandwidth. The Solar Continuum filter only allows a narrow band to pass, so effectively removes all CA, but of course you now get a green sun.


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I have been observing the Sun since the 1960s and have used Baader film, Orion and Thousand Oaks glass filters. 12 months ago I bought the 1.25" Lunt HW with the built in ND3 filter together with a Baader Continuum filter. I use this system in my 4" Astro Tech APO - all I can say is 'wow'. I also tend to view the Sun using binoviewers and the view is not only 3D but the sharpness and contrast and the granulation detail is brilliant.

I will never go back.

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I'm worried now. Well sort of. I already get the sort of detail mentioned with my 6" newts and film but hoped the 80mm f11 and wedge would provide better views. We'll hopefully see if my wedge ever turns up. Currently stuck in German customs apparently.

I had an almost full aperture filter on my 8" newt Shane and the wedge would win hands down every time but as Stu said everyone sees things different. As for CA it soon disappears when you add a filter which believe me you have to use either a polarizer, SC or similar as the view without is a headache waiting to happen it's so bright.

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I did have a SC filter some time ago when using film but sold it almost immediately as I couldn't get on with it. Whether it would have worked better for me in a wedge I will hopefully find out at PSP :). What I have noticed though is rotating a polarizer seems to tune the views for me allowing different surface details to be more pronounced. It works with my #58 filter just great. Although the #58 does start off a little green after a while it looks straw coloured which I prefer as my eye relaxes and details really start to pop. I don't remember the SC being anything other than green but again this might not be the case when using a wedge???

Each to their own at the end of the day and what ever works best for the individual is paramount to enjoying the hobby.

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Should be pretty good it that scope I would expect. What sort of detail levels are you getting vs the images or sketches on here?

That is just it, I reckon the level of detail is on a par with the majority of sketches, both with film and wedge. The granulation does seem hard to pull out in either though.

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That is just it, I reckon the level of detail is on a par with the majority of sketches, both with film and wedge. The granulation does seem hard to pull out in either though.

To be fair, my sketches are a fairly blurred approximation of what I see. The basic detail/number of spots is there but the reality is much sharper.

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I did have a SC filter some time ago when using film but sold it almost immediately as I couldn't get on with it. Whether it would have worked better for me in a wedge I will hopefully find out at PSP :). What I have noticed though is rotating a polarizer seems to tune the views for me allowing different surface details to be more pronounced. It works with my #58 filter just great. Although the #58 does start off a little green after a while it looks straw coloured which I prefer as my eye relaxes and details really start to pop. I don't remember the SC being anything other than green but again this might not be the case when using a wedge???

Each to their own at the end of the day and what ever works best for the individual is paramount to enjoying the hobby.

It's green, end of! :)


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One thing that puzzles me about the APM wedge ( there was no internal filter when I bought mine ) is that the front barrel  that fits into the focuser has an internal thread. Why have they done it?

 A  novice could make the mistake of thinking that filters should be screwed into the front barrel, where the heat is most intense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have just purchased a Wratten 58 filter and tried it in the Lunt wedge. To my eyes it has made a great improvement to the level of detail easily seen. I have it stacked with a polarizing filter and it has improved the contrast on the "flagues"?? They now stand out much clearer around the limb, and much further in if you give your eyes time to adjust. Granulation is also there, although still very feint. The sky is not great at the moment, with scudding clouds and a lot of higher wispy stuff, so look forward to giving it a proper run under better conditions.

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