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telrad finder

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So tomorrow I take possession of my skyliner 200 dob.

It comes with a straight through finder think it's 8x30 not sure, the seller is also offering the telrad finder for 20quid would this be a worthwhile addition?

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I had a Telrad which does its job admirably. However I  wear  prescription glasses  for driving and fishing, but not using the telescope?I found that I could not focus on the Telrad reticule. In-fact I was seeing possibly three reticles, overlapped ?  but with my glasses on. it worked perfect for me, but then I did not like  constantly putting glasses on/off just to look through the Telrad. I sold the Telrad,  But for the money, its a no-brainer. If it doesn't  work for you, it will for someone else, very  easy to sell on.

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No, it's not an absolute necessity, but it does make finding targets a fair bit easier.

You could always add it later, but for price you mentioned, if it's already fitted then well worth considering.

When hunting for an unfarmiliar target, I tend to zoom in stage by stage. I guess I'm not alone in that! Fisrtly, a sweep around with binos to get the general area right, then use the telrad to get the scope in roughly the right place. Then use the finder to home in on the target. So yes, a telrad is a great help in that process!



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