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What kind of mount...

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What kind of mount would I need if I bought this OTA (hey I'm learning the lingo):


(I'm assuming since they're advertising it as OTA the 'standard' dobsonian mount doesn't come with it).  The full kit with mount is £270 from FLO, is it possible to get a better mount for the difference?

I'm guessing the mount probably isn't strong enough to take it:


(clearly that would be a pipe dream - 8" reflector on a goto mount for that price ;-)).

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I think the minimum would be an eq5 mount, I don't think you'd go much heavier than a 130 explorer ota (at a push 150 explorer ota but it would be absolute limit I fear)

I've the same ota, great scope and the eq5 suits it well...

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If you want the Dobsonian version of the 200mm scope then this is the one: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html  at £279.  If you want to get the OTA and a suitable mount together then the "minimum" mount is the EQ5 size at £415  http://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-200p-eq5.html   Or better (the 200P is quite a large scope!) an HEQ5 mount:  http://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/skywatcher-heq5-syntrek.html  which would also "future proof" you for a while. You would have to get the OTA as well: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-200p-ota.html  for a total cost of just under £900.

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If you want simply to observe visually then the best mount is (miraculosusly!) the cheapest, the Dobsonian. German Equatorials can be a bit of a pain, visually, with Newtonians. 

If you want to do deep sky imaging the HEQ5 is the bare minimum and the NEQ6 would be much better.


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I have the 200p and it's mounted on a cg5 which comes with a two inch tripod I would say this is the minimum for the size of the ota, a heq5 would be a better choice if your considering imaging but for visual it's fine, hope this helps.

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