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Hello from Sudbury, Middlesex


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Yes, Sudbury in Middlesex, on the border of Harrow and Wembley -- I'm sure the skies would be better from the other Sudbury in Suffolk, with far less light pollution, but there you go ;-)

Have been on the site for a few days now, but realised that I'd not said hello in the hello section, so here's a hello.  My name is Simon, and I was interested in astronomy as a child but never had the funds to buy a real telescope (the one I saved up for from my paperound was enough to put anyone off!).  Recently my eldest son, who is 11, started expressing an interest (although I've a suspicion it's really a ploy to get to stay up late), so I bought some 10x50 binoculars and have been looking at the stars with him.  I'm now looking to buy a telescope, although I don't plan to rush the decision (currently going through the 'to goto or not to goto' phase, 4" with goto or 8" without).

So, hello, nice to meet you all!


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Hi Simon & Son, Welcome to the Lounge, you've joined the best place when your starting out. The knowledge and expertise on here is mind boggling. And even better is the friendly atmosphere.

Never be afraid to ask anything, even if you think it's a silly question. We've all done it. ;)

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Hi, Simon, and a warm welcome to both you and your son. If you haven't done already I can recommend downloading the free planetarium 'Stellarium' which will not only help show what is in the sky and where to find it, but will also give an idea of what you can see through your bins/scope. Downloadable here:http://stellarium.org/

Hope that helps,


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Hi Simon, and welcome to SGL.

Personally i would avoid goto instead invest in the optics. Something like a 8" Skwatcher 200P Dob would be ideal and show you a lot more than a 4" GOTO scope.

Finding objects and reading starcharts gets easier with time and is more of a sense of achievement when you do see something new.


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Hi Szymon. I'm just down the road in Northolt. We set up every clear night. You may also want to come along and meet the Baker Street Irregular Astronomers too. We have a monthly meet up in Regents Park. We have a Facebook page as well as a website.

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