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Clear night


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It is looking excellent tonight :laugh: I don't think I will be going to bed until its light, it has been quite a while since we have got this lucky so I am going to make the most of it.

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I don,t blame you checked weather earlier said cloudy rubbish what do they know?

ahh, but are you using "clear outside"? Got it spot on tonight where I am :D. I'm just hoping the sun has a sleep in today.

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What a fantastic night!

I've been out since 9pm setting up and then spending an hour or so with the Moon and Saturn in dusky light and then hours of cluster and nebula hunting. I've taken some notes that I will type up in an observing report tomorrow and will also publish a photo of my first ever sketch :grin:

...and it looks like being the same tomorrow night! :icon_cool:

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On most rack and pinion focusers there are two tiny grub screws on the top side of the housing often either side of the locking thumbscrew

a very small and equal adjustment will make a big difference to the slop

alternatively or even additionally two lines of teflon mouse tape can help.

Hope this helps in some way

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Ah, Shane. This must be what is meant by the warp and woof of threads - it leads to a rich tapestry ...

Not sure how you managed that but I'm glad I picked it up. Will have a look for those grub screws and have already enlisted the use of my wife's basket of crafts bits and bobs for some double-sided tape. (Neither she nor I know anything about 'Teflon mouse tape' but I'll have a hunt around the web.)

Busy gawping at the sun in Ha at present - and will have to cut my lawn - so everything must take its place in the timeline. This is almost like having to work for a living again and plan a spreadsheet of tasks to be carried out! Well, maybe not quite.

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