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Celestron hd wedge

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Hi all,

I currently have a nexstar 6se which I enjoy, but I wld like to start taking more longer exposure subs,more than 20s. I wld like to get the adv vx mount (£700)ish but really can't afford to so was wondering if I shld go for the wedge at (£380)ish or just keep waiting till I can get the mount?

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Yes, all these SCTs have a relatively long focal length, something even much better mounts struggle with. Expecting arc-sec accurate tracking from these fork mounts (which you must have to avoid distorted stars or trailing) is probably asking too much from it. I tried years ago with my fork-mounted Meade 10" LX200 and had nothing but disappointment - and that was with a very good wedge which I'd re-built myself. I removed the OTA from the fork mount and put it on a fairly decent GEM and it's better - but still really difficult to get good star shapes.


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Thx peeps. It dnt look like I'm gonna be getting a mount any time soon so is there anything else I can try with my limited 20s (with FR)?

I have got a few good pics which I have posted on here (thx to the peeps on here), only started ap a year ago and everything I learnt has been from here and a few YT vids but even tho I still got LOTS to learn and get my head round I feel like I've hit a brick wall and my scope is now collecting dust

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I have a NexStar 6se on one of the older wedges which I got second-hand for about £100.  As I am hoping to upgrade to a Celestron 9.25 AVX I  then wouldn't need the wedge as I would only use the scope for visual.  However, there is a big problem with this plan as I am currently incapacitated and unable to do any astronomy.  I hope this will improve in a month or two.  I don't know whereabouts in the UK you are as it is rather heavy so the postage might be high, but if you interested let me know.  In the meantime check out the images I have taken over the past couple of years, first without the wedge, latterly with them though I haven't been able to do a great deal of DSO imaging.  Not as heavy duty a wedge as the £380 one but it seems to work fine.

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Thank you very much for the offer CSM but I think the peeps are right, I should just wait till I can get hold if a mount and if I do give in and get a wedge it wld have to be HD ( everything is HD now lol)

Once again thank you, very kind.

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Hi Keyser - the older wedge is perfectly adequate for the 6SE and smaller NexStars.  The HD is needed for the 8.  So the difference in price could pay for a focal reducer.  Am continuing to improve so hopeful that my plans will work out and can upgrade.

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