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Base on Mars

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Crikey how high are these people when they come up with this Rubbish, aliens stealing humans, religion, conspiracy uhh

say the government did build secret bases on mars lets look at the maths.

Space shuttle speed: 17,500 mph,

Max payload: 24,400 kg (Thats only to a low earth orbit it would be much less traveling to mars)

Distance to mars: 35800000 miles (at its closest orbit)

So that works out about 85 days but after you take into account the transfer orbit its more like 253days

Realistically that one shuttle per year accounting for build time, set up etc

a base like the one people are talking about would be extremely heavy so lets say 1000 tons as an example, the shuttle can carry 24.4 tons but traveling to mars it would be more like 1 ton max

That is 1 Ton per year so it would take 1000 years to build

Theres so much wrong with the idea of settlements on mars that i could talk for hours but it can all be disproved with the greatest scientific theory which is common sense.

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It's funny isn't it? One half of the woo-woo brigade thinks that we don't have the technology to create programs like the Hubble Space Telescope, atomic bombs, the Apollo program and the ISS, whilst the other half thinks that we have super-secret bases on the Moon and Mars where Elvis rocks it out every night.

You'd think that they'd get out of their mum's house every now and then and at least agree a coherent story....

:icon_scratch::BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

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