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third eyepiece


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Hi guys long time no post. I've taken a couple of years out of the hobby for various personal reasons but got my scope out for first time in years last night.

I enjoyed Saturn and the moon, but struggled to find any clusters etc.

I was debating whether to get a finder scope to replace my red dot to aid in finding them or getting a low power eyepiece with a wide fov.

At minute I have the standard skywatcher 10 and 25 I think mm eyepiece and a 2x Barlow. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Algal, and welcome back. You don't mention which scope you have. I use my finder to good effect and it does help though is only a 6x30 so needs a decent dark sky to see any dso's. I would probably recommend getting something like a 8x50 RACI.

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Yes the 9x50 finder scope is a very good investment, a nice bit of kit. As to a new eyepiece depending on your scope a 15mm BST starguider would be my first suggestion

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For low power I always prefer something like a 32mm eyepiece, say the TV Plossl which will be a good improvement on what you already have, or if you are looking for a widefield, something like a 24mm Maxvision from Explore Scientific (EU) found here:http://www.explorescientific.co.uk/en/Maxvision-82-Okular-24mm.html?listtype=search&searchparam=82%C2%B0

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Hi Algol, in that case the MV recommended above would not fit your 1.25" focuser so ignore that recommendation! A good 32mm ep would be beneficial.  If you are looking at Moon filters make sure it is an ND (neutral density) filter rather than a coloured glass filter.

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Cheers again guys. Money is a bit tight at minute. Found a cheap ish moon filter sold near me where i got my scope from it looks good. Would a 5x24 finder scope be any good or is it worth saving for a better one?

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