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A conspiracy to spoil my observing......


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I bought a set of Bob's knobs because I read that these make collimation fun. I removed the original screws as instructed and replaced. This was easy when i enlisted the help of gravity by removing the Central mirror & holding upside down so the screws could meet the thread. Place secondary back in the corrector plate & waited for a clear patch of sky. The stars came out eventually- I selected Deneb as my calibration star & defocused- this showed me the dreaded comet shape of horror- your scope needs collimating (not unexpected really). Started tweaking the new knobs.....the sky immediately clouded over!

I thought right- I'm going to get a laser collimator. The collimator arrived & guess what (should have checked) it does not work at all well with the Edge optics- so that's been sent back. I then waited for a new patch of clear night. Got a patch of stars- selected Deneb again- started tweaking the knobs & guess what- It clouded back up again!

I then got angry by loosening the declination clutch and because I was collimating & not having the very heavy 2" eyepiece on the visual back the tube fell down fast & stopped on my head as it was no longer balanced.

I then had a big tantrum- flexed the credit card & ordered the advanced laser collimator which works with my optics- I will let you know how I get on with that when I've fixed the bruise on my head & the dent in my credit card.

Have fun observing.......if you ever get to see the stars again.

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