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Hilltop Observatory


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Hi, regarding the pier, I would extend either in concete or have a steel extension made and do away with all the studding, it's not required at all.

I've just been taking a look at the pillar and checking the height and angle of view. I'm glad you've suggested a concrete extension. I was reckoning on doing this but wasn't sure whether it would introduce a weakness as the pillar would be from two separate pourings of concrete.

As you say, studding is not a requirement though I will need a small gap between top and bottom plates to accommodate the central mount lock bolt. So a minimum of threaded rod. 

Thanks for the advice.

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Have a gander at my pier/adapter plate on this thread:


Nice looking pillar. Presumably you levelled it by adjustment bolts on the base?

How is the mount fixed to your pier adapter plate? An M12 hex nut?

Certainly see what you mean about not needing threaded rod. It must be absolutely solid!

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I was not happy with the height of the central pillar so, based on Aoraki's suggestion, I have extended it a little, embedding those rather long pieces of threaded rod. It now stands about 20cm taller and I have refitted and levelled the plates - this time with about 60cm between them. There's now no hint of any movement. Thanks Aoraki.

As a result of extending the column (ugly, isn't it), I decided to box it in. I will fit a small shelf to this, as well as put some packing material to reduce draughts and prevent things getting lost in the gap. I'll also attach some mains sockets to it. 

Got a few other things done too: started painting the interior black; fitted handles and lock-bolts to the lower shutter; wired up some twin sockets; completed the flooring and made the door. And some other minor tweaks - mainly to enhance the pulley system.






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Ever closer to completion... 

I had bought some skateboard bearings to use as runners along the shutter opening but was not really sure how to actually fix them. I started considering alternative wheel options but in the end just got on with fitting the bearings. They have made a tremendous difference to the smoothness and ease of movement in the shutter opening and closing. However, as you will see from the photo, I now have two rows of metallic shiny things - mirrors to direct stray light into the telescope! If they prove a problem I'll just cover them.

I've now completed the boxing-in of the pier, fitted a shelf to the top and finished off the black interior painting. Yet to do are fitting a more appropriate handle; anchoring the steel rope (awaiting some 'thimbles'); fitting interior panels (this week); LED lighting and carpeting.

Discovered some movement in how the NEQ6 attaches to the custom pier plates, so going to have to figure out how to stop that.

So nearly done!




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Phew! Up and running!

Last week took delivery of OSB sheets for the internal panels and fitted them the same day. Painted them (and the boxing around the central pillar) at the weekend with garden furniture paint. The steel rope is also fitted and will keep the shutter attached to the dome at all times. Pictures show how I've attached steel rope; a view of the completed observatory; and some closeups of the pier plates and mount, following the additional height to the concrete pillar.

Some foam rubber floor tiles are due next week, as is the LED lighting. But I am operational and tonight looks clear.

I only hope it remains weatherproof, as I have been reading that water ingress and condensation can be a problem for dome observatories.





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I must add much belated thanks to MartinB who allowed me to visit his dome observatory in June. Martin, seeing your observatory inspired me to keep going on this project. I am also extremely grateful for your generosity in giving me the guide scope rings. I picked up a suitable dovetail at the IAS and as you can see, the rings are fitted to the William Optics ZenithStar. Perfect.

Your a star Martin.  :smiley:


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Thanks to all who have posted encouragements. The heavens have opened and it's been tipping it down! Had to go and check for any leaks and I am pleased (and relieved) to find that there are none. The only area for concern I could see was that the inner rim of the main shutter had droplets where driving rain had splashed. I will have to think of how to try and prevent this. But nothing has got in otherwise. Could be a source of damp though.

Had very little sleep last week as I took advantage of clear skies and no moon over three nights. I was concentrating on M33.

Still, made an error I won't make again... I was using a plan in my camera control software, APT, and noticed that I'd only set it to do 12 exposures. I made a mental note to reset it when it had finished. However, as everything was going OK, I decided to take short naps through the early hours, setting my alarm so I could go and check on things, and rotate the dome as needed. When I finally packed up, I realised that I hadn't taken any exposures for nearly 2 hours because I had forgotten to amend the plan! Doh! Definitely won't make that mistake again.


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