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Tiffs or Fitts ???

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Just getting my Atik 314l+ set up for when darkness returns.

I am using Artemis for capture - it gives me the options of saving the files as tiffs or fitts - if I save as tiffs it works just fine but if i try to save as fitts it says it cant save them.

Any ideas??

Any pointers to what to do with the images once I have captured them - any links worth looking at ?? I have 4 greyscale images - labelled L, R, G and B but that's as far as I have got so far!!

Thanks in advance

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I use Artemis and it automatically saves them as fits files, so not sure what is going on there.  It ought to work with tiff files though. 

As for combining the LRGB take a look at Anna Morris's tutorial, it's easy to follow.  However the images need to be precisely aligned to each other or there will be bits of RGB sticking out.  I tried several software with varying results to do this and finally settled on Registar which is wonderful. 




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