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Astrotortilla - which camera/programme???

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I am trying to use Astrotortilla to improve my goto accuracy and image centering.

Set up - ED80 with Atik 314l+ for imaging using Artemis and an ST80 with a QHY5 for imaging using PHD2

Mount HEQ5 controlled by ASCOM/Eqdir and Stellarium (Scope)

I can get AT to grab an image from the QHY5/PHD2 but the two scopes are not exactly aligned with each other.

This hasnt been a problem for guiding and I have never messed with the alignment between the two scopes as there is no flexure and it works well.

But two issues exist.

Because of the misalignment using AT to centre the object gives a bad result as the imaging scope isnt looking at exactly what the guide scope is pointed at.

And I cant get AT to grab its image from the Atik as AT doesnt seem to play nicely (at all !) with Artemis.

Any suggestions ??

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Well, you definitely need to be solving an image taken through the main scope not the guide scope. I don't know if it would work, but how about trying to use APT with the Atik for taking the image? I know that APT can control a CCD as well as a DSLR. Might be worth a try and APT is free to download, you can get it from http://www.ideiki.com/astro/Default.aspx

Good luck!

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+1 on GAV recommend.

I have not tried to AT on my guide scope, it should work so long as you align the guide scope to the main scope. On a bright star.

I use APT with AT to align my main imaging scope.

But I can see use in using the guide scope as I never change its focus. Annoying bit of main scope is focus is changed quiet often.

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