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My New Addition - Lunt35delux Solar Scope

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Well i went to the Astronomy Show in Warwick last weekend, my first show so was excited at going and seeing all them lovely telescopes that well, look a lot larger than they do on tinterweb, :D after a few hours my wallet started to sweat as i found Widescreen centres Lunt solar scopes to admire, the misses was in toe & was asking me if these are the ones you can see the "bits flying off the side" so i told her they were & a smile crossed her face even after i found out the price £729 which was the only one id ever be able to afford it was the small but well formed Lunt35 in its delux guise, as i dint really know to much about them i managed to speak with a nice scottish guy on the stand that was helping out, fortunately he was mad on solar an explained everything i asked about the scope with confidence, even showing some of his images on his ipad well the misses was sold on the scope from then on, so went for a brew an a chat with misses about it. It wasn't my first choice of scope as had plans on getting a frac of some sort, then the voice of reason (misses) said why do i want another scope to look at the stars an plants when i have the 150P & me travelscope..... not that i needed much of a nudge in solar scope direction i decided that i will bite the bullet & get myself a proper Ha solar scope, so after putting away my slightly melting debit card i walked out with a nice shiney new scope :D. I know i could of waited an saved a bit more for the new 50 but at 900 quid was a bit to much for me. The Lunt35 delux comes with the B600 blocking filter (better for imaging so im told), tube rings fastened to a dovetail & a televue sol finder which is fasted with 2 allen bolts, and a 12mm lunt basic eyepeice witch is fine i mite add & a helical focuser which is smooth if a lil loose as slightest touch accident or not soon moves it again out of focus but will be fine for me at the moment but mite be a bit of a pain imaging.

First Light

Sunday afternoon 3 - 7pm, partly cloudy but not enuff to stop me trying her out, I put the Lunt35 on my eq3-2 which felt rock solid for once prolly coz its soo tiny (finally a scope that doesn't wobble) Well wot can i say except woooow..... i've never looked thru a Ha solar scope before but i couldn't believe it :shocked:  the sun was ruby red you could see some major sunspots with lots of activity around it, there were filaments around/near these too some almost seemed to cross half way across the sun, the detail was amazing i had the biggest grin across my face that i've had in a long time, its nice to see the great images on SGL but to see that detail first hand & actually see the prominences & loops with detail changing slightly over the course of the day well i was in awe, some areas looked almost 3D near the top with a big curtain starting on the sun an going towards edge it was above the surface, was one of the best time i've had to date with any scope. I thought id try seeing wot view i got at the other end of the etalon so gave the lil wheel a roll & the detail faded to a wot i can only say reminded me of a white light view but a nice ruby red, you could really see the sunspot detail there was so many a few big ones on there own and a few in clusters with smaller ones around again another grin came across my face as the view was clean & crisp I love my stargazing to bits but think solar is beginning to take hold.






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Congratulations on the new purchase :grin: You are now officially converted to the light side :evil: You will find it hard not to drag that scope out at every eventuality. You are after all looking at the most dynamic object we have to view!

Enjoy - I am sure you will :grin:


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